BYC Member Interview - MaryJanet

It was so nice to learn a bit about you, MaryJanet! Thank you for sharing part of yourself with us. And thanks for the laughs!
A genuine pleasure. I went through some very old photos to find the one of Dora, Nigella and Alice so it was trip down memory lane :)
I rarely think about famous people and the thread was already a few weeks old before I realsed some people might read MJ as Michael Jackson. Can you imagine a thread called Michael Jackson's Little Flock!! :eek: waaayy out of order! So I remind people it's MaryJanet's little flock every chance I get :gig

Unfortunately the house is not pretty enough to show people but soon there will be a new, safer chicken run built and I promised @Aussie-Chookmum before and after photos.
:lau oohh, Michael Jackson would be happy someone was looking out for his flock hahahaha :gigtoo funny to imagine...if that were the case you'd be a little famous.
Yay, MJ!!!! :wee You have a very unique *voice* when you write. I think I'd have recognised this as you even if you hadn't said. So lovely to read your story.
I reckon my thinking is a bit odd and it makes my writing a little odd. Something like that anyway :lau I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)
Great interview! Now I feel like I know you, at least a little better! :love
I'm quiet by nature but my real life is full of wonderful people who take up a lot of my time when I'm not working. Byc is a low priority, but a good one, so I'm often rushed when posting.

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