Announcement BYC Updated - Post Questions, Concerns, Issues, & Praise Here!

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is my impression or the font is a little small?
So happy we are online again!! 😍😍😍😍
The font in the threads isn't smaller. I'm pretty sure it's bigger. I've got an old tab still open from before the upgrade. Someone mentioned the quote box being a different color, but the quote box font is much bigger than it used to be. So that may be why it looks smaller?
Fonts have been slightly increased overall. Quotes have been adjusted as well.
Yaayyyyy!!! Looks much better, Thank You!

Something else looks a bit odd, and maybe can be adjusted, is the signatures some look rather large, not sure if it's overall size or font.<shrugs>
Feedback so far:
The circular avatars ever so slightly don't fit my avatar's borders and it makes me die a little inside. :lol:
The green "currently online" button might look a bit less tacky if it was solid green instead of having a little user thing in it.
Are the "insert recently uploaded images" and the "insert bookmarks" functions coming back or are they gone for good? Ditto with the custom order for albums; that was a feature I used a lot.

I am really loving the push notifications and the fact that I can now search my bookmarks by tag again. I also like that the alert options have been refined more; it's quite helpful in reducing the number of alerts I have to sift through whilst still retaining all the slightly obscure notifications I did want. The new post editing layout is also better.

Edit: I see we have more detailed date stamps now! That's a feature I've wanted for a while.

Edit #2: the cool stuff just doesn't stop coming. Going to the end of an already read conversation rather than the beginning is an appreciated time-saver for me.
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I don't know if I can explain this the way it needs to explain the first somebody to understand but I'm going to try...

When I go on the website or even on the app the comments are going into landscape mode so everything looks really small. And you have to swipe sideways to look at the whole comment.

It's very glitchy with this problem and it only happens every so often and I am not sure why it is happening when I'm holding my phone straight up and not on its side like you would to get landscape mode on your phone.
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