BYC Yummy Fudge Swap-Sign up!!! Swappers assigned.

Sorry it is. We already assigned swappers. Keep in touch because we may do another!!

darn i tought it would be open to join for a couple more day
i guess next time il have all the ingredient ready,
have a fun swap guys i hope its tasty:(

I am making 2 batches when I make mine wanna send me some and i will send you some? I want you to be able to play too!!
nice ^_^
but only if you understand that its the first time i make fudge

i hope i wont make the kitchen explode
thank you
Thanks Fudgie....your so sweet to swap with Moon!
Maybe I'll go ahead and mail out tomorrow then since I am a dummy about how the mail works.
I hope nobody has any objections to butterscotch! I just went and got all my stuff! Tomorrow if fudge day! Baking really relaxes me so I even took a half the day off work to make fudge! Shhh, don't tell my boss!

I was also wondering what everyone thought of doing a cookie swap next?? I'd post a seperate thread of course, but wanted to see what others opinions were first. Same concept as the fudge. Maybe a dozen per person or 1/2 dozen depending on how many people sign up?? Whatcha guys think???
All my fudge is being sent to my work. I'll have to tell my co workers that its bird food/medicine/vitamins/etc. or they'll probably have it opened and eaten before I even know its there! I'm sure they would leave me the empty packages though!

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