BYC Yummy Fudge Swap-Sign up!!! Swappers assigned.

I thought each package was supposed to have five 2"x2" squares. Did I do this wrong?

You are right. I think some of us sent a little more than that.
For each person they get 5 2x2 hunks. So you will make 25 hunks all together and then split it up for 5 people.

I think I'm OK. I sent 5 hunks to each person.
I'm still waiting.
I must have fudge today! Maybe my mailman needs a talking to. LIke the comment about the mailman looking at my mail and enjoying MY fudge.
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kobesmom81 and whoever mailed from zip 64658 your fudge came today. I managed to save the heart shaped fudge for my DH but the other fudge got attacked by my three kids and they loved it(me too) we need the recipe for the fudge you made because its already gone.
back attacha

i send mine out hopefully they should show up today but no later than saturday. Due to my DH's job and working hours i was forced to use the self service post office and the cheapest option was parcel post , sorry. I still spend over 35$ in shipping

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