BYC Yummy Fudge Swap-Sign up!!! Swappers assigned.

I agree with Conny, I am glad it did not all show up at the same time or i would be fudged out by now!
No worries on anyone that did nto get theirs out fast as they wanted to. I am not moving so it will get here! LOL
Yep that is me and thanks so much!!!

SKAND, yours is awesome, omg the smell is sooooo heavenly! It got a little mixed up in the mail(tossed but hey a spoon works great and it all tastes the same!)
hehehe I eat mine in a glass filled with milk, and a spoon....mmmmm.. eat cake like that too. Jim hates it!

chocolate cake and milk! only way baby!
There was fudge, from Fudgie, waiting on my desk for me this morning when I got to work.
It smells so yummy and I'm getting ready to eat it for breakfast!
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crtr, I got your fudge today too! It all looks so good. It came right after lunch so I haven't tried it yet! I got Skand's too! They both look so yummy I'm not sure where to start!

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