BYC Yummy Fudge Swap-Sign up!!! Swappers assigned.

mmmm got fudge today! Caydence saw it, so she insisted on we all get a smidgen of a taste test! I totally didnt argue with her logic! Thank you for all the yum-dilly-umptious fudge! I love getting mail again, usually its just junk and bills!
I need fudge. Hopefully today. I'm all out.
I know Scoot has some family issues right now. The last time I talked with her, last week, she knew the timeline was up, and is still dealing with the family, but has every intention of sending it out.
Mine has been sent. I have recieved 3 of mine...
OH! And, I would love the recipes for all of the ones I've chomped on.. lol Either a recipe, or more fudge please!
Katie and I are late sending out ours. I found the box of outgoing packages that dh was supposed to mail for me today in the laundry room
It will be going out Monday, Tuesday at the latest. Guess that's what I get for asking to do something so important, huh?

I'm terribly sorry it's late.
I only got 2 packages so foar. I guess they forgot me. too. and I noticed the thread was so slow and no one was commenting about anything so just thought I would ask.
well i got my last 2 package and they were delicious
i hope everyone received what i sent
god knows those starving mailman can be sneaky

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