BYC Yummy Fudge Swap-Sign up!!! Swappers assigned.

Don't you worry about sending me fudge queenie! You take care of that family first! I mean it!
One is AWOL and i know Scoot will sent hers when the winds have died down. But the rest was delicious. But it could also be the case that my DH or my kids got a hold of the package when is was shopping the last weekend.
Darn, still no more fudge. I was expecting 3 more packages. I was hoping to freeze it all and then bring it to a food day at work. I'm diabetic so I can't eat it myself, and DH doesn't have a sweet tooth. It's too late for the food day now. Oh well, it was supposed to made and mailed by Feb 10th, so if it was hung up in the post office or wherever this long, it's probably dead anyway. Fudge doesn't keep that well.
I received mine from Horsejody and then received a cookies n cream fudge with a chocolate one so I think that was Conny3males. I know Amy has me too and she has checked in as to why we haven't received them. But wondering why I haven't received anything from the other 2 people??
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Didnt Amy say something about finding hers and her daughters still where they were when they were told to be mailed? that would explain 2 people, then Scoot... so...
Yep she did!

02/22/2009 7:09 pm Katie and I are late sending out ours. I found the box of outgoing packages that dh was supposed to mail for me today in the laundry room It will be going out Monday, Tuesday at the latest. Guess that's what I get for asking to do something so important, huh?

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