Calcium/magnesium ok

Offer some fluids often, and watery feed plus egg can be good. Glad she is relaxed. Can you insert a clean finger into the vent to feel for an egg? Does she normally lay eggs? What color is the poop?
Also, her poop is watery. I can't check for an egg internally
If she's pooping then she's not egg bound (the calcium you gave is unlikely to do any harm). To check her body condition, feel her keel, if the bone is very prominent then they are thin, if it's well muscled, more normal, if you can't even find the bone, likely overweight. If they have a lot of abdominal fat then you can sometimes feel that below the vent, between the legs, it's soft & squishy, not like a water balloon with ascites, but not firm either. Orpingtons tend to be larger/heavier, 'normal' can vary between breeds, EE's and some other breeds tend to be more lean. Some birds are genetically more prone to be fat and store fat. It's really easy to over do treats and such, which is everything except feed, since they are so small. Maybe she's a bit dehydrated and constipated. Give her only her feed mixed with some water to make a mash, and water. You can give coconut oil also, a tsp at a time, freeze it and break into pieces, they usually like it. Just put in her beak and she'll swallow. Keep an eye on her, see how her next droppings look, see if she perks up.
Poultry keel bone schematic for bcs.jpg
Thank you! I can feel her keel bone, but it's not prominent. Doesn't seem to be fat between her legs, but maybe. Thanks again, that's really helpful
I'm really guessing. I just can't think what else could be wrong. She's standing hunched, but eating and drinking ok. Had a hard time getting back into the coop and I put her on the roost, but she was wobbly
How is she?
I'd get the calcium into her and see that she's drinking well.
Hopefully if she's having issues expelling an egg, that will come soon.

Photos of her and her poop are always welcome.

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