Calif. N.Central Valley/Foothills

Kim, I went and looked at the extra-toed baby (who is the least spooky of the bunch.) No black skin, just sort of a light pinky-grey. I've never seen a Silkie's skin, so I don't know how dark they get or if it dilutes out. This baby has a yellow single comb though, and the legs look about how my slate-legged Lakenvelders did at that age last year.
Yeah, as a whole the shipped eggs are a big disappointment. I may try getting shipped chicks on some to start if I can find what I want from breeders that will ship them. Paul Smith shipped out 20 Ameraucanas to me yesterday. I have been on his waiting list for mnths. He gave up shipping eggs because of so many problems & now ships chicks only.
I am going to cross my fingers for my own Wheaten Marans. They should do well but my humidity module went out so I am monitoring it by just watching & adding water. In 2 days we will know. I order a new one but the invoice doesn't show it getting here til the 10th. I have others hatching before then too.
Have agreat Mother's Day camp out with your family. I would loan you a van but I don't have one.....LOL
That's weird except my Bev birds always come through and put most of themselves into the chicks. Was it from a dark egg?

Oh oh oh.....My pink laying EE is part Fav and sometimes you get them from those.

Diamond Wire Farms I didn't hatch this one out. I get it from someone who hatched out some Wade Jean eggs. My Davis birds have so far never hatched out an odd chick, but now that I've said that..............knock on wood I guess. LOL

Out of the chicks I have kept so far I think I have 2 cockerels and 3 pullets. I'd like to get a few more pullets and another roo. I love how huge those roos get.

I lost a BBS/black AM chick. Bummed on that. Lots of babies are moving outside. Everyone is feathered out and out growing the brooders, so it's the growout pen for them. They love it. I have a dog house in the run and they're testing their aeral skills. Looks like an elevated runway.

I have enough chicks to sell again for more feed. yippie!!! LOL I've sold a lot of these mixes and I got a lot of compliments on them from some breeders who go to the auction every week, so that was nice.

Working on a new roo pen and then a larger one for my black Blehm AM. I'm going to be putting 2 BCMs, The EE's and Olive Eggers in with him for a while. I've had BCM roos over them, but I want more green eggs and my EE lays pick. More pink would be cool too though. I've been looking at one Olive Egger and trying to remember what she was mixed with and then DUH a Wellie walked past her. Oh yeah. Now I remember.

So more pens a couple of coops and I'm tearing a big cage apart for rabbit hutches for my Lionheads. Hope I live through all of this.
Kate there is a guy from a little village in Hungary that posts on the forum all the time. He is a genetic whiz ....He goes my Village Chicken & is on the forum quite a bit you could probably find him on a search. He answers pm personally if you have specific questions & is willing to help you learn genetics at your own pace...a good guy.
You are in the right place. Hatching has become an addition. I tease regularly about needing a 12 step program.....LOL If you go on Ebay you can get a digital themometer & Hygrometer for under $15 I think. I personally feel that humidity has so much to do with it.
Kim, you mentioned pink eggs. I think Kate is looking for pink eggs if you have any to spare.

I am so glad to see this thread get off to such a good start. As soon as I am feeling better I will put the word out to others that live near by.
Karen in Turlock
YES my son has a huge brooder full of young ducklings only a week old. let me know if we can help.

Would you like to sell one for a buddy?
Amen on the 12 step program my addiction is in full swing lol have the guys hunting down cotton trailers for some pasture coops, need more room quick!! ha ha

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