California - Northern

Hi everyone I didnt even know this thread existed:) i am a small chicken farmer and I am working towards a few different breeds to add to our layers. That is our business as of now, selling eggs to eat in our small mountain town.I currently have

Black sex links
Barred rocks

And my new fellas are

2 pairs of blue laced red Wyandotte bantams
A pair of french black copper marans
A small flock of Easter eggers
And tomorrow I'm getting a small flock of silver laced wyandottes!

Really wanting to add a few more marans hens but am having sooo much trouble finding any
I just want them for the egg color do I'm not picky I would take or buy someone's culls even

Here are a few pics of the chicks we hatched last year and a few misc

Welcome, you will love this thread. Great peeps here!
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The funny thing about eggs being shipped in newspaper and saw dust is that these are some of the same group that think it is impossible to hatch shipped eggs. They do not seem to want to learn new methods and blame the post office. Bubble wrap must be too new, like the inner netttssss. Most of them do not want to use email and one of them does not have a website at all. Not even one for information and pictures.

I have suggested shipping methods that get eggs to me better but they think I am crazy. The Skyline method is similar to yours but he uses no packing peanuts.

I think I will call Strombergs since the SQ breeds that they sell are from Urch, and ask them how the eggs are shipped. If they ship them then it may very well be worth the extra cost they charge.

If you are talking about Master Breeders, they have been working hard to breed and select their birds for decades in order to improve their strains and bring them to Standard. They have many years of learning and experience.They are known and respected by people who show exhibition poultry. They don't need a website or pictures - they have the winning birds in shows and a master breeder status with the APA. That takes time and effort, it's not something that just any chicken owner can do. Serious breeders who want quality stock are going to seek them out and do whatever it takes to acquire their stock. So, they don't need email or have to ship eggs.
Anybody can come along and put up a website with pretty pictures, do a good job of marketing, return emails and ship eggs. It doesn't take much experience to do this, you don't even need good birds. It's simply an easier and faster way to sell quantities of chickens to novices who don't know any better or don't care if their stock meets the SOP.
Hi everyone I didnt even know this thread existed:) i am a small chicken farmer and I am working towards a few different breeds to add to our layers. That is our business as of now, selling eggs to eat in our small mountain town.I currently have

Black sex links
Barred rocks

And my new fellas are

2 pairs of blue laced red Wyandotte bantams
A pair of french black copper marans
A small flock of Easter eggers
And tomorrow I'm getting a small flock of silver laced wyandottes!

Really wanting to add a few more marans hens but am having sooo much trouble finding any
I just want them for the egg color do I'm not picky I would take or buy someone's culls even

Here are a few pics of the chicks we hatched last year and a few misc

Thank you for the pictures!

There are a couple here with Marans. I don't think they have culls yet. In Davis Thistle Down Farms has silver Birchen Marans. They do not have any hatching eggs or chickens now thought. Heaven Sent Ranch in Red Bluff has them and Sweet2o in Roseville hast them. They are Breeders. BYC members may have them later.

Check into the Stockton Show Thread. If you are going to it, there may be someone with Marans there.

It is great to have you here!
Welcome Chickengirl1304!

I'll keep my eyes open for marans but they aren't that common up here.

Dunsmuirs not that big so if you see Kim Perry/Stafford tell her Janet says "Hi".
I got an egg today!!! I'm so excited!!!
My girls haven't laid an egg in over 2 months! Now if I can figure out who laid it! It is a blue/green color (online auction color chart 0ac158) . It is pullet sized and a different color than my 3 yr old EE has ever laid. It is also a different color than my Cream Legbar laid before stopping for the winter. I do have 2 Lavendar Ameraucana's so it is possible that one of them laid it. Oh, the mystery of it all!

Congratulations! Love those colored eggs!
Quote: This looks like a good idea but a really cheap way to do it and it's pretty looking......just run a strand of white lights around the waterers. It will put out enough heat to keep the water from freezing and the chickens shouldn't bother them.
Quote: SunnyDawn has Marans. She pops in here sometimes but more on the Nevada? and California the whole state threads. I'd PM her and ask her. I'm getting some from her this spring to add to my Blue Copper Marans. I didn't get a roo so I need one.
Thank you! Where is everyone from? Anyone from far nor cal?
I'm from Paradise, up in the foothills above Chico if you know where Chico is. Most on this thread have their town listed under their avatar. Welcome, you'll love it here.

Laura, I sure hope your girl makes it. She's been putting up a good fight. Hope you see some good improvement soon!
Congratulations! Love those colored eggs!
I think that it was one of my Lavender Ameraucanas that laid it! She and my golden sex link are in a coop/nesting box war this morning. The sex link is sitting in nest box 1 (we have 6) while the Ameraucana is pacing around the coop complaining! I love hearing the egg song after all these weeks of silence!
I am talking about people that sell eggs and chicks as a business, a hatchery that does not use modern sales techniques.

I only want to know how they ship their eggs! As a customer I should be able to find that out and as a customer I may well decide that they are not worth the risk to use them.

The eggs were individually wrapped in newspaper and then put into a foam egg carton. The carton was taped and then placed into a box with newspapers. You can see a piece of the newspaper that was wrapped around an egg.

I am not questioning their status as a Master Breeder. Hortsman has some of the best birds in America! That egg goo represents 16 out of 30 eggs. Of course none of them hatched. Also, I did not get a replacement. If he still ships like this, then I don't want a replacement. I have just taken a loss on the purchase.

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