California - Northern

I am holding out against an incubator for now. We have 3 left we got from a guy in Sac (they are breeders birds and his hens hatched them out)-- including my flock Roo ( I really want to post pics but am not tech savvy- he is just really feathered out and big, almost plump ish)-- so unfortuantly the 2 hens mostly likely to be broody ( they are really huge as well, and larger then the 7 hatchery birds) are his sisters...But I guess they can brood other hens eggs as well so we will see (these are our first chickens have no idea how to facilitate hatching out chicks, except that the big birds have taken to laying in a large dog kennel we have stored under our porch-- I think its hard for them to get up in our nest boxes they are really heavy birds)....

If you want to try and trigger a broody - put a bunch of golf balls in a nest for them. Sometimes lots of egg shaped things in a nest will trigger the "broody" instinct in hens. It doesn't work for my EE (Americaunas) from the hatcheries though, broodiness has been bred out of them. Other than that - once they do go broody let them do their job. There is a really good thread on broody hens.. I haven't read much of it.. yet..

Good Luck! I bought oddball birds to try and get broodies - and so far a Silkie and a Silver Phoenix have obliged me!
If you want to try and trigger a broody - put a bunch of golf balls in a nest for them. Sometimes lots of egg shaped things in a nest will trigger the "broody" instinct in hens. It doesn't work for my EE (Americaunas) from the hatcheries though, broodiness has been bred out of them. Other than that - once they do go broody let them do their job. There is a really good thread on broody hens.. I haven't read much of it.. yet..

Good Luck! I bought oddball birds to try and get broodies - and so far a Silkie and a Silver Phoenix have obliged me!
I used white ping pong balls and within 24 hours my Betty had ripped all her chest feathers out and was sitting on them. haha!
Looking for Marans and now Australorps for a "friend"? Come on now.. its time to stand up and admit it, they are for you. Its okay... we are all addicts, here to enable each other.... uh...oh.... I mean support each other.
hahah You're funny! She changed her mind on the Cuckoo Marans and wants to stick with Australorps. She already has some pullets and she loves them.
Went out to collect eggs today from "Swing Shift", my flock with the partridge rocks in it. There was 1 egg and 2 birds going round and round in the box. I figure I've gotten 1 egg from each of them and they are already fighting over an egg. I may get more BLRW the easy way.

Sure wish the BBSOB would fertilize an egg. He is at least 8 months old. I'm thinking about putting the Partridge rock bantam in with the orp hen just to see if he's fertile. The little rock pullet is a really sporatic layer.
Ok if you say so
Anyone know of any good Australorp breeders? Asking for a friend.

Sewandgrow--sherman line. You could also order from Urch/Turnland.

Florida has a good one. Cubayakid has them in I think NY.

I am going to hatch some this year and will either get The Sherman or Urch eggs.

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