California - Northern

AaaAAnnd... I've got a whole batch of eggs going in the bator tomorrow:
3 mille fleur leghorns & 4 speckled sussex from Papa Brooder,
8 buckeyes
& 10 araucanas.
In chicken math, that equals one whole passel.

So I have a question for everyone. I have my 3 adult chickens in an ok/smallish enclosure right now and I have my 3 cream legbars growing out so they will need a bigger coop and run soon. I want something that can be broke down fairly easily since the only way into our yard in a 3 foot wide gate and I would like to be able to take the coop and run with me when we move. I'm essentially trying to build a coop and run with a minimal budget, really we're just trying to keep it as cheap as possible and I don't have a ton of tools or building experience. So my question is, do you think it would be most cost effective to build something out of wood and mesh or buy a metal outdoor dog run? I know I can find the dog run for about $220 and it's 6 ft wide x 10ft long x 6 feet high. I want to be able to give my chickens the most ammount of space that won't make my bank account cry.
@zooweemama, I had no idea! My son was just looking through the BYC calender and saw your name and said, "You know where that's from, don't you?" Never understood you're name before now!

I had one pip last night on the 13 eggs in lockdown. This morning I had 7 pips and when I got home from work 2 had hatched. Now there are 5 hatched, one almost out and all but two eggs have pips!

Cute yellow chicks!

Bresse are hatching in Woodland!

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I had one pip last night on the 13 eggs in lockdown. This morning I had 7 pips and when I got home from work 2 had hatched. Now there are 5 hatched, one almost out and all but two eggs have pips!

Cute yellow chicks!

Bresse are hatching in Woodland!


Congrats on the chicks!

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