California - Northern

So I just called the code enforcement office for Lincoln, CA. I was thinking about moving there and wanted to see what their chicken ordinance is since I couldn't find it online at all.

They don't allow any chickens inside the City limits at all. Neither does Wheatland. I find really odd, because they are fairly rural and somewhat of a farming community.
So I just called the code enforcement office for Lincoln, CA.  I was thinking about moving there and wanted to see what their chicken ordinance is since I couldn't find it online at all.

They don't allow any chickens inside the City limits at all.  Neither does Wheatland. I find really odd, because they are fairly rural and somewhat of a farming community.  

It is common for places like that to have codes that do not allow chickens. They do not want to be seen a as low class. Oddly, places that they want to be like, allow chickens. A lot of big Cities allow chickens now.
So I just called the code enforcement office for Lincoln, CA. I was thinking about moving there and wanted to see what their chicken ordinance is since I couldn't find it online at all.

They don't allow any chickens inside the City limits at all. Neither does Wheatland. I find really odd, because they are fairly rural and somewhat of a farming community.
Wait... Lincoln is a CITY? HUH?....
Wheatland too? Come on - those are Towns, surely?

I would find out where the "City Limits" are, and move just outside of it. I bet the houses are further out than the limits are!

And yes, it is really funny that the "wanna be Upscale" make rules that the "Upscale" do not have...
Wait... Lincoln is a CITY? HUH?....
Wheatland too? Come on - those are Towns, surely?

I would find out where the "City Limits" are, and move just outside of it. I bet the houses are further out than the limits are!

And yes, it is really funny that the "wanna be Upscale" make rules that the "Upscale" do not have...
No kidding.....Yeah I looked at the city limit map for Lincoln, it is quite large and there isn't much for sale outside of it.

Roseville is snooty enough and they allow 5 or so hens. Auburn does too. I am getting old old old and tired of other people making rules for me out of their sheer ignorance.

Did you hear about the one.... now I forget where it is, but you can't catch water run off on your land. You can catch and divert anything that comes off of the roof of your house, but not off the land. The City claims that water.
HI Lualshannon

I have a question for you on this around the clock feeding thing. Don't the adult Parrots sleep at night? I have never had a parrot but I know others that usually put them to sleep with a sheet over their cage etc and then they wake up with the light usually by sqawking loudly so that you too are awake with the light.

I would think that since in the wild Parrots cannot forage for food in the dark that the feeding thing ends over night for at least 6-8 hours? Or have they somehow stored up food for overnight feedings?

Just curious.

Both parents takes part in raising their young, and the male does the big part of foraging and feeding the female, and she feeds the babies. In some species, male will do the feeding as well. Both parents go to bed with full crop, and the feeding takes place 24 hrs. a day when ever the baby needs food. Almost all the species build their nests deep in the cavities of the tree trunks which is dark, and the babies are not able to tell day from the night time, and does not matter as far as their need for food. They have to grow as rapidly as possible while the food supply is available. Larger the parrot, longer it takes for them to become independent.
Adult pet parrots can and do sleep during the night time, but, not the babies; they need constant supply of food.
We are hand feeding 6 love birds and one cockatiel right now. The only baby bird formula around this area is the kaytee brand. And it's kind if expensive. Anyone here know of other brands. Unless this is the best one. I'll just keep using this one.
If the food is giving you satisfactory results, would be good to continue to use it. I used to make my own formula, and make changes as the babies grew.
I don't understand why they price it so high for the ingredients used are not that expensive. Good luck with your babies; they are joy to have and experience.
So I just called the code enforcement office for Lincoln, CA. I was thinking about moving there and wanted to see what their chicken ordinance is since I couldn't find it online at all.

They don't allow any chickens inside the City limits at all. Neither does Wheatland. I find really odd, because they are fairly rural and somewhat of a farming community.
move up the hill. Its much more chicken friendly around here

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