California - Northern

Wow thank you so much for the resources. My one hen I have left looks almost identical to the Silver Americauna and her eggs are more white in color than blue. They honestly are the best tasting eggs ever. I saw on the website you provided that there are breeders in California that will ship ready to lay hens. Has your experience been that they are reputable?

Look what I got today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He said the hen is a green winged scarlett. He said not one word about wanting anything back, only that she would lay at least two more eggs this week.

It's about the size of a large bantam egg.


Good luck with the fancy babies! I looked into a pet parrot, but it seemed way too hard for me... I decided to get chickens instead! :)
So I just called the code enforcement office for Lincoln, CA. I was thinking about moving there and wanted to see what their chicken ordinance is since I couldn't find it online at all.

They don't allow any chickens inside the City limits at all. Neither does Wheatland. I find really odd, because they are fairly rural and somewhat of a farming community.

Come up to Nevada County
riginally Posted by Ali707

So I just called the code enforcement office for Lincoln, CA. I was thinking about moving there and wanted to see what their chicken ordinance is since I couldn't find it online at all.

They don't allow any chickens inside the City limits at all. Neither does Wheatland. I find really odd, because they are fairly rural and somewhat of a farming community.
move up the hill. Its much more chicken friendly around here
I want to move just outside of a gated community and let my Roosters crow Legally....
We enlarged our coop to have our 9 younger girls go in and roost with the older girls. The last 4 nights I am out there until 8:45 having chickens find their way to the roost of their choice. First, I let the newer 4 month olds in there, keeping the 1 plus yr. olds out in the yard. Once the young ones are settled then I let the others in one at a time according to those who roost calmly, and finally the bosses come in, when it's almost dark, and go to their roost. If I try to let them all go to bed at the same time there is a lot of pecking from the oldest and they chase the youngest out of the coop. Of course the older want to be in the newer area but that's not what I want and I'm the boss hen! So, I guess it's this way for awhile until they can all get along. Will that ever happen? I wonder.

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