California - Northern

I couldn't clean out the tray any more and found that salad plates fit under the mesh nicely! One plate -36-40 % add another 1/2 full -56-60%!!!! I used the ones with chickens on the print ;-)))
Gah maybe I should move them in. They stink! Maybe I should add a light in their window, but we built 14 in headroom
To stop flushing... No space for a lamp. Maybe external light by the window from like 5-8 pm would get them
Laying? Is it also the cold that ales them go on strike? Also last week my feed store was out of 30% and I had to buy 20% breeder... I give shells , bos and spray. Is that ok?

A light outside should do it. They like it bright for lounging. I feed both 20 and 28 depending on what ive got. I dont notice a big difference. Once they stop laying it does take a while to get back in the swing of things.
The styrafoam trays all suck imo. The plate is a fablous idea I might try it for my no quail hatches.

For those of you getting into marans intending to sell for pets Pictures!!!! If they are not your eggs get A picture of them in the incubator and save the shells if you can. If they are your eggs blow out the first few of the season that are nice and dark and Blow them out and save them.

You compitition is the hatchery cuckoo marans that are usually so light you cant even call them marans because they dont start as a 4. Unless you are selling to people who care about sop all they will care about is egg color and feathered shanks. If you sell eggs and your chicks get feathers in later because the feathering is light let them know that too.
Darn, I had a whole bunch of replies and my iPad crashed! Oh well, from now on I'll try to reply from a computer! The one duckling is doing better, has put on weight and is no longer looking neurological, but it's still a little slower than the others.

Treatment for it is one very small drop of 10% Baytril (.005ml) twice a day for 5 days and one drop of Polyvisol (no iron) daily. Here it is today (up from 48 grams yesterday):

Yeah! He/she is adorable!
Darn, I had a whole bunch of replies and my iPad crashed! Oh well, from now on I'll try to reply from a computer! The one duckling is doing better, has put on weight and is no longer looking neurological, but it's still a little slower than the others. Treatment for it is one very small drop of 10% Baytril (.005ml) twice a day for 5 days and one drop of Polyvisol (no iron) daily. Here it is today (up from 48 grams yesterday): -Kathy
Ok poly not bs. Check.
Oops! Didn;t notice that. I used the link directly from the website. It says you can buy it directly from them but it's $179. Even that say it is a "Pre-order" for the end of March shipment. Maybe Amazon will get them back in by then. Looks like it's a new 2014 model...
Keep watching amazon if you want it. It was on preorder when I first started watching it. The release date kept changing so they must have had some manufacturing delays. Then, one day it was available! I bought it right away. The next day, the price increased by $10 and a few days later it wasn't available again. Crazy but worth the wait, IMO! I give it 5 out of 5 stars! The only tiny complaint that I have is that the silicon sealing ring absorbs odors. No matter what I use to clean it, the smell stays. The first batch of yogurt that I made tasted faintly like stew. I solved the problem by ordering an additional ring for $10. So now I have one ring I use for savory dishes and the other for yogurt, steel cut oats, etc.
Well, the group of turkeys that was wandering around my neighborhood yesterday decided to sleep somewhere close, and they were in my back yard this morning! They must know that we're getting ready to set up for poultry. ;) I got some pictures after they hopped onto my neighbor's roof. We had a big male turkey a few years ago that ended up here somehow, and he was roosting across the street in a huge oak, until some idiot shot him with an arrow. :( He lived and was wandering around with the arrow stuck in him, poor thing. Animal Control finally caught him. It was on the news.
I have a 4-y-old son (whom I've already totally warped with chickens). His favs of my flock are the 3 silver duckwing OEGBs (Gwen, Itty Bitty, & Teeny Tiny) and the Speckled Sussex (Lady Sarah). He'll occasionally get his hands on one of the other banties (a blue rosecomb, a white OEGB, & a birchen Modern Game) but they are not as fond of him. When my BLR Wyandotte is not broody, she's pretty friendly. So far I've found that some birds of any breed will have the possibility of being tamed & then it's a matter of spending time with them on a regular basis. I like to start with hatching eggs & peep at them during incubation. Meal worms are great "bribes" for peepers. A day or 2 of feeding them from your hands & they'll start running over to check out "whatcha got?". Believe it or not, I have a Saipan that is very gentle & inquisitive - just don't pick her up. Least tame to date was a Silver Campine & a bantam Golden Laced Seabright.
Thank you for that info! I have a 4 year old son, too. :)

Chicken found in Rocklin area. Over the past two weeks, she/he is hanging around my sister's work place. They hope to either reunite this chicken or do a forever home placement. Please contact me if you can help out!

My pullets are all laying. Cream, brown, and blue eggs are delighting us. Our Cream Legbar only began laying in February. She and my other two were all hatched last April by Miss Molly. My Norwegian did a full molt in the dead of winter. My bantam Cochin is definitely prone to broodiness, but she is such a delightful character and iridescent black. Couldn't be happier with my mini city flock.
What a pretty girl! I hope she finds her way back home or that someone will take her in. If I were set up, I would take her. My husband works in Fair Oaks so not too far.

Lol..."be afraid, be very afraid"

LOL, seriously.
We have a TSC in Woodland so I go there quite a bit. It is only a couple of miles away. You would do well with Western Pet and Feed. even better if they would stock King Feed.

Oh okay. I've been to Western Pet and Feed, the girls were so kind and helpful! I just went in to ask questions but might go back for rabbit food.
@manychitlens sorry FBCM stands for French Black Copper Marans
they lay very dark brown eggs.
Thank you so much!

Manychitlens......... I have another lady (CackleJoy) coming to the party in May bringing her 4 kids, husband & mother. You are all welcomed. My husband & I were looking at some picnic tables at Costo Sunday. I may get a couple. I want people to feel comfortable & everyone have a place to sit. I have stacks of chairs & other tables & chairs though. It's not fancy but kids love to play in the pool & my daughter has a pool party here every week during the summer with a group of her friends with kids.
I think that is wonderful! I hope that I have that life when the time comes and my children are grown. Nothing would make me happier. If there's one thing I've learned as a parent it's that it doesn't matter if anything is fancy, as long as there is plenty of love and laughter.

What beautiful birds! So you keep the quail for eggs? Or meat, or both?

Man I do not need any more appliances, but I'm so tempted by this. I have a pressure cooker that I literally NEVER use. I always use my dutch oven. Maybe I should bust it out again.

French Black Copper Marans. They lay chocolate eggs. I'm with you on the initials....I have some down now, but still have to try to work thru some. There are sooo many with all these chicken experts here and they raise some really unusual breeds. Hopefully we will catch on quickly!
Thank you! Yes I'm hoping that I catch on with the initials, haha. I spend a lot of time trying to work out what breeds people are talking about. I usually give up, lol.
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I let the Broody girl out of her cage this morning. She had been acting normal for a whole 24 hours so I thought it would be safe. how long before she returns to laying?

This is something I'm concerned about. Is it hard to break them from being broody? Or does it just depend on the individual? Is there anything I can do to help prevent it, like collecting the eggs regularly?
Darn, I had a whole bunch of replies and my iPad crashed! Oh well, from now on I'll try to reply from a computer! The one duckling is doing better, has put on weight and is no longer looking neurological, but it's still a little slower than the others.

Treatment for it is one very small drop of 10% Baytril (.005ml) twice a day for 5 days and one drop of Polyvisol (no iron) daily. Here it is today (up from 48 grams yesterday):

Oh my goodness, what a cutie!!! I will have to live vicariously through you with the ducks. They are so cute I can hardly stand it!

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