California - Northern

Missed a million post! - these scared me so bad when we first moved here with the creepy way they click when they fly !

Anyhow here is a cuter photo of something from Tahoe ...

Little miss "no name yet" 7lb 6 oz girlie born June 26th 1:54 pm . Phew. Now we can enjoy summer together!
Congratulations to all of you!!! She is so cute!!!
oxine goes along way so i would just use a little. I use like 2 tablespoons per gallon of water . use extremely warm water then add the oxine. dip and let dry
Thanks, Jason! Well, I probably used more oxine than I should have and the water was warmer than the egg but not hot. I think that I should have just hatched them the way I've been hatching all of my eggs and not choose paid for eggs to experiment on. At least all the air cells looked good! Hopefully, some will hatch.

Edited to add one more question. Since the air cells look good, should I start the turner? Sorry that I am so obsessive about these eggs.
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Quote: Maybe a Langshan Cochin cross? Just guessing, but that is what popped into my head.

Anyhow here is a cuter photo of something from Tahoe ...

Little miss "no name yet" 7lb 6 oz girlie born June 26th 1:54 pm . Phew. Now we can enjoy summer together!
Congratulations! She's beautiful!
Missed a million post! - these scared me so bad when we first moved here with the creepy way they click when they fly !

Anyhow here is a cuter photo of something from Tahoe ...

Little miss "no name yet" 7lb 6 oz girlie born June 26th 1:54 pm . Phew. Now we can enjoy summer together!

Oh wow!! This is the first human baby hatched on this thread since I started hanging out. Great Job mama. She is perfect!
Thanks, Jason! Well, I probably used more oxine than I should have and the water was warmer than the egg but not hot. I think that I should have just hatched them the way I've been hatching all of my eggs and not choose paid for eggs to experiment on. At least all the air cells looked good! Hopefully, some will hatch.

Edited to add one more question. Since the air cells look good, should I start the turner? Sorry that I am so obsessive about these eggs.
Yes! Start the turner.
Remember my rescue silkie who was sitting on 2 doz eggs of a variety of ages when I got her? She is finally a mama. Gracie Belle hatched 3 boys and 3 girls and improved my pullet to cockerel ratio. We are now sitting at 12 to 27 out of 39 chicks hatched in the last 11 mos.

Also going down to Sonoma County to pick up Marans chicks from lawatt this morning. Gonna give the 3 littlest to my sizzle girl. I will be chick sitting the rest until she returns from visiting her sister but I may keep a couple of them too.

Pics of everyone to come.
Silkies are prone to brain injuries because they often to not have bone completely covering the brain so it is exposed.

Comparison of silkie skull to normal skull and the reason they are prone to brain injury. Once again man steps in to "tweak" animals for their own idea of esthetics. Mother nature never intended a brain case like this to survive.

Awww, she is adorable! Congratulations!

Edited to add one more question. Since the air cells look good, should I start the turner?

I would.
Yes! Start the turner.
Since I am the turner, that would be me!

We had a surprise yesterday. My BW Am has been sitting on eggs. She is a second time Mama and has done a great job sitting on her eggs. I thought that the chicks were due to hatch this weekend. Yesterday, I went out to rearrange the pens and put her into the secure brooder area. One chick had already hatched and another one was halfway out!
Monet and I carefully moved them into the secure area. She has at least the 2 out this morning. We have 2 more broodies sitting on eggs and I'm hoping that will be it for this year. It seems like it has been going in waves. Several weeks ago, our cute little CL mix Trinket hatched 4 eggs but co-mothered 2 more with one of our Wellies. The Wellie lasted 4 weeks and then left Trinket with the babies. She didn't hang with them during the day but stayed in the small coop with them at night. She has been laying eggs for around 3 weeks. Last week, she deserted her babies and joined the big girls in the big coop at night. She decided to go broody again so after 5 days of her sitting on a fake egg plus any other eggs the girls laid in the box , I went ahead and gave her Pita Pinta eggs. I sure have lots of Pita Pinta chicks to choose from for my breeding program!
Thank you for the turner advice Ron & Deb. I can't believe how uptight I am about these eggs. You would think that I had spent more on them than I did!

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