California - Northern

Thought I'd share a video I took yesterday. I have not used a broody to hatch eggs in a really long time but this girl was determine so I finally gave in. I am kinda regretting it now because I don't get anything done. I spend way too much time watching this sweet little family. Chicken TV is the best.
Thought I'd share a video I took yesterday. I have not used a broody to hatch eggs in a really long time but this girl was determine so I finally gave in. I am kinda regretting it now because I don't get anything done. I spend way too much time watching this sweet little family. Chicken TV is the best.
Thanks for posting the video!

They are so cute and the chicks are very healthy too.
Hi Guys!
First off it is not a hobby nor a way of life but the gallinaceous set are an O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N !!!! Truth to tell I have a Hovabator but it is such a pain in the cadorcous to operate what with wandering temperatures and humidity; then there are power failures. See? So I use the expedient of an easily triggered silkie. They do their own temperature and humidity controls on board their metabolism and never need plugging in! Then when the chicks arrive they brood and defend them in all kinds of weather. If I need more than the 8 or so chicks I simply turn on as many silkies as necessary to get the job done. Then they also have the utility of hatching just about any egg you can give them except maybe for eagle, emu, cassowary and ostrich eggs. I have no use for them any way. These blessed little heroic moms can even hatch a couple of goose eggs and then they set about rearing the goslings. And this they do successfully with all the zeal and determination of an leftist illegal alien voting multiple times! Nope, no incubators for this old man.
My best to all,
Neal, the Zooman
Hi Guys!
First off it is not a hobby nor a way of life but the gallinaceous set are an O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N !!!! Truth to tell I have a Hovabator but it is such a pain in the cadorcous to operate what with wandering temperatures and humidity; then there are power failures. See? So I use the expedient of an easily triggered silkie. They do their own temperature and humidity controls on board their metabolism and never need plugging in! Then when the chicks arrive they brood and defend them in all kinds of weather. If I need more than the 8 or so chicks I simply turn on as many silkies as necessary to get the job done. Then they also have the utility of hatching just about any egg you can give them except maybe for eagle, emu, cassowary and ostrich eggs. I have no use for them any way. These blessed little heroic moms can even hatch a couple of goose eggs and then they set about rearing the goslings. And this they do successfully with all the zeal and determination of an leftist illegal alien voting multiple times! Nope, no incubators for this old man.
My best to all,
Neal, the Zooman

But I have this for the power outages:

 The other thing is unless you gt the ALL the way  grown,  2 a sized parents  are  going to have both a and b kids.  They are  a wide variety of sizes from the same genes. I try  to keep my hens just shy of a so they don't freeze to death or keel over.  True A sized seremas are  a pain in the butt to keep alive.  I have a little micro sizzle serema that is 4.5 months  and JUST now able to go outside  in the day, and needs to be come in at night still. I don't know that even in California she is ever going to be able to be outside permenantly. 

That being said, I have been to a lot of serema shows and have not seen anyone selling micros  EVER. so I don't know that you will get adults at those sizes.  You could check  the wild west serema club, but they are mostly in so cal. You are  setting yourself up quite a challenge!  But challenges can be fun.

Our girls would be kept indoors, so I'm not worried about the weather outdoors.  We've kept poultry indoors so we are familiar with many challenges that come with and the constant upkeep required, but it's definitely proven to be very worth while for us.  These girls would basically be spoiled house chickens, as well as therapy animals.

And I was actually just looking at the Wild West Serama club so thank you for that lead!

if you're looking for something small, I'm going to have some small OEGB/Modern Game bantam crosses in a few weeks. Nothing fancy, but the should be quite small.

Thought I'd share a video I took yesterday. I have not used a broody to hatch eggs in a really long time but this girl was determine so I finally gave in. I am kinda regretting it now because I don't get anything done. I spend way too much time watching this sweet little family. Chicken TV is the best.
Seriously adorable!
Thank you for sharing.

Hi Guys!
First off it is not a hobby nor a way of life but the gallinaceous set are an O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N !!!! Truth to tell I have a Hovabator but it is such a pain in the cadorcous to operate what with wandering temperatures and humidity; then there are power failures. See? So I use the expedient of an easily triggered silkie. They do their own temperature and humidity controls on board their metabolism and never need plugging in! Then when the chicks arrive they brood and defend them in all kinds of weather. If I need more than the 8 or so chicks I simply turn on as many silkies as necessary to get the job done. Then they also have the utility of hatching just about any egg you can give them except maybe for eagle, emu, cassowary and ostrich eggs. I have no use for them any way. These blessed little heroic moms can even hatch a couple of goose eggs and then they set about rearing the goslings. And this they do successfully with all the zeal and determination of an leftist illegal alien voting multiple times! Nope, no incubators for this old man.
My best to all,
Neal, the Zooman
A Silkie with goslings - that I would love to see!

I recently got 3 young silkie/bantam cochin mixes and I'm very curious to see if they will live up to the broody reputation come springtime.


But I have this for the power outages:

Genius! and OCD but Genius!
YAY! I got my first UofA Blue egg today! Pretty pale blue one shown in center of right row.

ETA: its a FBCM egg on the left, EE green egg on top right, silkie pale cream-color egg on the bottom right
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This is a total subject change, but I'm getting ready to start building my coop and have looked everywhere (I live just south of Modesto)for 1/2" x 36" x 100' hardware cloth for a decent price. I found some at true value hardware for $89.99 (and no shipping costs)a roll. They are ordering it and I'll get it on Tuesday.

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