California - Northern

They are beautiful! Speckled Sussex went on our list of must haves after meeting Cheryl's girls at the October chicken meet! We also would like a couple Welsummers, Cheryl! :)
These girls never saw your brooder Cheryl (as opposed to SO many of my other fabulous girls) - these two hatched from that very first batch of "extra" eggs that you gave me, and were raised by the co-brooding millie mommas!

I am so glad that you like them Dawn, and that they are mixing in well with your flock.
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These girls never saw your brooder Cheryl (as opposed to SO many of my other fabulous girls) - these two hatched from that very first batch of "extra" eggs that you gave me, and were raised by the co-brooding millie mommas!

I am so glad that you like them Dawn, and that they are mixing in well with your flock.

ha ha I started writing you a response, completely forgetting you are my bestest chicken friend ever, Dyann! nice to see you on byc...and see you this afternoon for a fun fest of vaccinating, wine and hot tubbing!

Oh yeah that's right, I forget you baby hatched those out...

Just spent 4 hours outside in the rain, cleaning (couldn't wait till tomorrow) repositioning tarps, putting alfalfa all over everywhere so the flock doesn't have to swim in the mud and putting a corrugated roof on the baby pen...argh everything is a to clean the brooder with 37 chicks, I have to take pics and chronicle the wheaten marans growth, at least that what Bev wants me to do...

AND DYANN, you should probably change your handle from cute little Chooklet to something like MONDO CHICKEN HOARDER then I could recognize you! xoxox
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Our backyard has a nice slope for water run offand a heavy layer of leaf compost due to all of the tree cover that keeps everything nice and mud free! The water literally just seeps down through to the top soil then naturally drains away into the creek. Since moving to our new place I haven't had to deal with a muddy run at all. It's probably one of my favorite things about the move.
AND DYANN, you should probably change your handle from cute little Chooklet to something like MONDO CHICKEN HOARDER then I could recognize you! xoxox

Is this better?
Prince charming is awesome I can't wait till babies pop out, you should post pics of your Calico Cochin Breeding flock - I'm sure there are a ton of people that would covet them

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