California - Northern

That's the only thing keeping tears at bay, I think.

I'm not looking forward to telling my husband and daughters, though-- I'm the only one home right now.

Yes, that would be sad news!

Are you heading closer to woodland sometime this year?

My husband (and maybe all of us) should be going to Sacramento the second weekend in June.

Looking inside the shell, I didn't see any veining. Since the hole was about the size of a nickel, I think it's safe to say that there wasn't any development? If I'm right, at least we didn't lose a chick to the dog... Of course, if I can't get an incubator, I'll lose them all anyway.
My husband (and maybe all of us) should be going to Sacramento the second weekend in June.

Looking inside the shell, I didn't see any veining. Since the hole was about the size of a nickel, I think it's safe to say that there wasn't any development? If I'm right, at least we didn't lose a chick to the dog... Of course, if I can't get an incubator, I'll lose them all anyway.

Let me know the date and I will plan a hatch for you then.
I think Frieda may have quit--I haven't seen her on the eggs at all today, and the eggs are cold. Is it possible I made her give up by trying to candle last night (unsuccessfully, to add insult to injury)? Might she get back on? I can't run out and buy an incubator, and I don't know anyone I can borrow one from. I could probably go get a heating pad and set that up as a brooder in the getting-to-know-you pen inside the coop, but they've got to hatch first! This would be day 11.

Yep, she's done--she's roosting with everyone else. Lesson learned--Frieda won't set for over 5 weeks, so I need to get her eggs sooner than I did this time.
I forgot to say thank you! How rude of me.
NO sulmet! Unless its life and death. Use sulfadimethoxine. Might have to get it on line. Also give them something to peck. Cabbage potato ?
Mario gives potatoes frequently to bord birds. It even keeps the occational silkie from going broody.
The only potatoes I'm comfortable feeding to our birds is boiled sweet potatoes or sometimes boiled dark orange yams. I won't feed them regular potatoes since we don't usually eat them ourselves. Thx for all the input!
Since we are talking or were talking about candling, do most of you candle from the top? I've been just candling the eggs from the top while they are sitting in the trays. It is fast an effective. I only pick up the ones that I'm not sure of. I used to use a high lumin LED flashlight but I had to use a piece of foam pipe insulation to prevent light leakage. I recently purchased a plug in candler from amazon. I'm very pleased with how it works even with dark Maran eggs. The only thing that I can't do with it is take it outside to candle broody eggs.

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