California - Northern

Quote: The Hen is a blue double laced Barnevelder. I have standards ( " black double laced") , blue double laced and my new project chicks are silver double laced. I started a silver project a few years ago, but gave them to my neighbor. She now has given three chicks back to me so I can work on the project again.

I feed bar ale. I like their chick starter for little chicks. It's a smaller crumble and the chicks seem to prefer it to brands like purina. I feed their layer pellet with cracked corn and oyster shell to my layers. Bar ale also has a meat bird mini pellet that works really well for growing out young stock. It is reasonable in cost and quality. I like that it is really fresh being made locally.

They are beautiful!

Thank you for the feedback on the Bar Ale. TSC was out of Game Bird feed and I refuse to go back down to Chico tomorrow since it is supposed to be 108. I will see if the my feed store has the Game Bird version in stock tomorrow....

My wife and I just got back from going to see her brother in the Atlanta area. Didn't go on line once while there. We were gone a week and it will take me a whole day to catch up on all the threads I subscribe to. It will be fun reading, but I don't like to fall that far behind. This is definitely an obsession.

My chickens are loose in my backyard right now under the fruit trees and grapes that are being watered with micro sprinklers. While we were in Atlanta my daughter collected the eggs and feed the chickens. She said she will miss doing that.

I have two misting fans set up to mist and blow air into the pens when the chickens are not free ranging in my backyard.

You must have been going crazy without going online for that long. I would have at least been on my phone...

I think I am going to have to break down and get some misters.
If you divided California in half you would still have the bigger cities in control of our water, etc. My husband suggests above SF but not including Sacramento sort of like the State of Jefferson's boundaries.
Interesting remark about crooked keels. I took a chicken class online and it was recommended to get perching bars in right away with the chicks so they would learn to perch. They said if they didn't learn at a young age they wouldn't perch.
Hi Debi!

Here's an excellent video on growing out quality New Hampshires (you can use his good info for any breed, actually) and he mentions in the middle that he was finding crooked keels on birds that were roosting too early. His solution was to keep them on the ground as long as he can. When they become juvies, he has low roosts for them (a few inches off the ground.)


I had won your grains at the party, but accidentally left them there while we were talking. You'd mentioned the website they could be purchased, could you please remind me what that was? Many thanks!!! And hope your Pita Pinta's are coming along!!!
If you divided California in half you would still have the bigger cities in control of our water, etc. My husband suggests above SF but not including Sacramento sort of like the State of Jefferson's boundaries.

Hi and Welcome!


My Internet service has been out for about 8 hours and am back on now.
Everyone make it through today?
No losses over here but had fans and misters going.
I'm making sure I'm home tomorrow too to keep and eye on everyone
Our chickens all are ok, our temps were 102 in the shade and we have a fan blowing on them, I was also misting them and the ground around the coop. My girls rock like rockstars.
Yay! No losses today. I had mister and a water bath and I hosed down the run a couple times plus a fan in the coop. I had to keep kicking the broodies out. Silly girls.
I did find my 'bator at 104.5 deg this afternoon because it was in the sun. Grrrr... I hope the button quail eggs are ok. I JUST put them on lock down today. Cross the fingers & hope.
I think someone flipped the calendar when I wasn't looking, these are August temps!
Everyone is holding on OK, not liking it but they are used to the heat. 106 forecast for today with 108 tomorrow, way to many triple digit day in a row for June.

We have 4 baby pigeons, we get to see them more than usual since they don't need warming from Mom and Dad. Same with the pyncheon chick except the broody is such a screaming meanie. I got spoiled with my big moms. This pyncheon is FIERCE!
I think someone flipped the calendar when I wasn't looking, these are August temps!
Everyone is holding on OK, not liking it but they are used to the heat. 106 forecast for today with 108 tomorrow, way to many triple digit day in a row for June.

We have 4 baby pigeons, we get to see them more than usual since they don't need warming from Mom and Dad. Same with the pyncheon chick except the broody is such a screaming meanie. I got spoiled with my big moms. This pyncheon is FIERCE!

It is very hot!

I lost one yesterday--I have adjusted the mist timer to run longer for today. We are forecast to go down to 98 tomorrow.

I hope it is cooler tomorrow!
Glad you are back online now. We had a lot more hiccups than usual with our satellite reception that I think was due to the heat, but no outages
If you divided California in half you would still have the bigger cities in control of our water, etc. My husband suggests above SF but not including Sacramento sort of like the State of Jefferson's boundaries.
We have members from all over and some are not even in CA at all. Everyone is welcome! Glad you found us!

Everyone make it through today?
No losses over here but had fans and misters going.
I'm making sure I'm home tomorrow too to keep and eye on everyone
So far so good here, too!

Our chickens all are ok, our temps were 102 in the shade and we have a fan blowing on them, I was also misting them and the ground around the coop. My girls rock like rockstars.

We were up around there too. Fan in the coop (I think I will look into a small ceiling fan to permanently mount in there), jugs of frozen water in the run and in the broody coop with my baby Silkies and Polish and one in with the new Silkie youngsters. Today should be the peak of it and then it should drop about 20 degrees for next week!

Yay! No losses today. I had mister and a water bath and I hosed down the run a couple times plus a fan in the coop. I had to keep kicking the broodies out. Silly girls.
I did find my 'bator at 104.5 deg this afternoon because it was in the sun. Grrrr... I hope the button quail eggs are ok. I JUST put them on lock down today. Cross the fingers & hope.
Fingers crossed for you quail! Glad you didn't have any losses with your chickens

I think someone flipped the calendar when I wasn't looking, these are August temps!
Everyone is holding on OK, not liking it but they are used to the heat. 106 forecast for today with 108 tomorrow, way to many triple digit day in a row for June.

We have 4 baby pigeons, we get to see them more than usual since they don't need warming from Mom and Dad. Same with the pyncheon chick except the broody is such a screaming meanie. I got spoiled with my big moms. This pyncheon is FIERCE!
I think you are right! Can you imagine what the temps will actually BE in August???? I have young Gouldian hatchlings in nests outside too that I am concerned about. One nest has 5, two more in another flight have at least 4 each and one just had the first chick hatch yesterday. I hope the parents can keep them cool enough!

Quote: We are supposed to be the hottest today here......

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