California - Northern

He is Lemon Cuckoo. He is not as mature as the Chocolate one; he's kind of a dorky skinny guy, lol. He is finally starting to fill out now, and just started trying to crow. He is sweet but he needs to learn to be more assertive, haha!
Considering getting a Buff male to breed my hatchery buffs because they are so super sweet and have had one go broody and a couple I sold have gone broody too.
Considering getting a Buff male to breed my hatchery buffs because they are so super sweet and have had one go broody and a couple I sold have gone broody too.

Aw, he would be great with some buff hens! I was told that he would create sex-linked chicks with buff hens; the males would be cuckoo and the females would be solid. He is still shy with the ladies but I'd say he'll get over that when he matures. Let me know if you want him; I just put him on craigslist but I'd rather him go to someone who would appreciate him.
Aw, he would be great with some buff hens! I was told that he would create sex-linked chicks with buff hens; the males would be cuckoo and the females would be solid. He is still shy with the ladies but I'd say he'll get over that when he matures. Let me know if you want him; I just put him on craigslist but I'd rather him go to someone who would appreciate him.
Im going to have to pass I'm considering but I have a lot of pen arranging to do before I can get another male.

I have to get my free ranging flock under control or i will never have another garden again I dont have the isolation space to introduce a new male at the moment and I would want the buff flock to be on thier own so that means a new pen.
Every body in Northern California better get ready!

There are massive storms coming across our area now.

Off to check on the flock!
Aw, he would be great with some buff hens!  I was told that he would create sex-linked chicks with buff hens; the males would be cuckoo and the females would be solid. He is still shy with the ladies but I'd say he'll get over that when he matures. Let me know if you want him; I just put him on craigslist but I'd rather him go to someone who would appreciate him.

The hen needs to be cuckoo to get sex link, cuckoo male has two barred gene so both male and female will be barred.
Ok here is my next question
I have the rooster rooster is mating hens. Some hens are getting their head feathers worn off because he grabs their heads. Prob not much I can do about that is there
How do I know which eggs are fertile? I have a friend who wants some to try and hatch in her bator. I can't candle them at one day can I? Do I just give them to her and she would look at them at 8 days.
Ok here is my next question
I have the rooster rooster is mating hens. Some hens are getting their head feathers worn off because he grabs their heads. Prob not much I can do about that is there
How do I know which eggs are fertile? I have a friend who wants some to try and hatch in her bator. I can't candle them at one day can I? Do I just give them to her and she would look at them at 8 days.

You can check fertility next time you make breakfast. Crack one into a bowl and look at the yolk. If it shows a small white bullseye, it is the fertile. If it's a misshapen dot instead, it's infertile. You may have to turn the yolk over with a spoon as it is sometimes on the bottom. A flashlight helps.

I've personally never had a hen who lived with a roo and didn't lay fertile eggs. If the roo is mounting he's fertilizing too. Heck right now I'm trying to get hens DRIED OUT after living with mixed breed cockerels so I can breed them to a specific male. 3 weeks separated from a cockerel AND STILL FERTILE. Ridiculous.

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