California - Northern

Jeremy, Dolly is getting so gorgeous! Featuring in so pretty!i

You can't say that without posting any pictures!!!

Argh! Sorry. Just got to Florida to visit my parents. I'll post as soon as I get back!
aha! When I went out this morning I found the two SS surrounding this light brahma as she tried to lay her egg! ARGH! don't know if this is the gang-up method, and they just were harassing, or all hens are now fighting over the same one laying (apple) basket. Silly birds...
She needs a nice purple 'scarf' of blukote... then she'll be the envy of the flock

We adopted a hen with naked elbows from too much roo attention...our hens thought it was fun to peck; with Blukote they stopped & now we can't tell she ever had a problem.
Good luck
I need to get some Blukote too. My poor EE teenagers are getting their fluffy cheeks pulled out! 1 poor little girl has had 15% of her feathers pecked off! I had to put them back in the grow out pen. Couldn't stand the poor things getting pecked at so much!
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Thanks, Sunny and Laurie! I got something at the feed store up here which is similar to BlueKote, and It seems to be working. Yippee!

On a happy note, I had to work barrel tasting today and came home to this amazing sight, pulled from the one laying basket that ALL the girls have to use! *amazing as I only have 7 hens-a-laying!*

DH must have missed some last night, or some girls are doing double duty!!

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