California - Northern

Just curious. I see alot of people hatching quail. What are they sold for? Pets, food or eggs? They are super cute.
I keep the females for eggs & pets & the males tend to get fattened up & used for meat for my dogs & cat as they are raw fed...although, on occasion, I am guilty of keeping my favorite special roos if they get along with the girls well and don't tear them up.

Im just curious can they be tamed what kind of space requirements are there for them. Id probably be interested in girls for eggs sometime but not soon.
Oh, yes! My babies are held & carried around since they are hatched. They are all pretty tame & some even enjoy jumping up in my hand when I feed them. They are all good about being hand fed. I know people have house pet quail like I have had a house duck! I have the babies in a small tank til they feather in a bit then I move them into stacked Rubbermaid filing drawers that I drilled ventilation into & hot glued hardware cloth so they can stick their heads out. They are indoors right now because I worry about the heat but it's easy to clean every other day-2 days with plastic drawers that just pull out & dump into the compost. I have read they only need a square foot a piece but I like them to have more running & dust bathing room.
I do enjoy that they are regular layers & give me an egg a day. I've gotten enough to where I can even give a dozen or two away every once in a while. I have been setting in the incubator all of my white pair's eggs because I had a request for a dozen whites. Now, I am not getting any answer from the guy so I have quite a few whites available.
I keep the females for eggs & pets & the males tend to get fattened up & used for meat for my dogs & cat as they are raw fed...although, on occasion, I am guilty of keeping my favorite special roos if they get along with the girls well and don't tear them up.:D

Oh, yes! My babies are held & carried around since they are hatched. They are all pretty tame & some even enjoy jumping up in my hand when I feed them. They are all good about being hand fed. I know people have house pet quail like I have had a house duck! I have the babies in a small tank til they feather in a bit then I move them into stacked Rubbermaid filing drawers that I drilled ventilation into & hot glued hardware cloth so they can stick their heads out. They are indoors right now because I worry about the heat but it's easy to clean every other day-2 days with plastic drawers that just pull out & dump into the compost. I have read they only need a square foot a piece but I like them to have more running & dust bathing room. 
I do enjoy that they are regular layers & give me an egg a day. I've gotten enough to where I can even give a dozen or two away every once in a while. I have been setting in the incubator all of my white pair's eggs because I had a request for a dozen whites. Now, I am not getting any answer from the guy so I have quite a few whites available.:lol:

I feed my dogs a raw diet and would like to raise chickens for them and us to eat how much meat is on a quail?how many oz not including bone?
I feed my dogs a raw diet and would like to raise chickens for them and us to eat how much meat is on a quail?how many oz not including bone?
I will have to weigh them next time, but I'm finding that there's not much meat on them to use as their poultry intake alone. They eat the bone also, so I haven't deboned a bird yet. That will have to be my next challenge!
I wish I had the room right now to raise chickens for them! That was why I figured I would try the quail first, smaller scale, much less room needed & just to see if it was worth it. They do mature & fatten up waaay quicker than chickens! 10 weeks & they're laying. I usually fatten them up til about 12-14 weeks then process. All of the dogs love the eggs & they have become their new treats!

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