California - Northern

I have a show quality Serama pair for sale! Please PM me if you are interested!


The rooster is 5 months and the hen is a year old
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Just throwing this out again:

My friend is looking for an adult male Runner for her dad's two females. No color preference. He will have a nice forever home.


Sacramento & surrounding areas. We can come pick him up.

We have tried different sites that still have nothing but there are too many roosters for sale at the feed store that nobody really goes for any most of them have been there for months:(
I'd try one....maybe up to 5. What's it like? I have goats and chickens :)

Is there anyone in Sonoma/Marin that would like to go in with me on a hemp litter order? I have not been able to find hemp bedding locally and am looking into buying it online now. It's 16.99 per 10 cf bag, but I would have to order a pallet of 30.
Anyone want to share? We are in Glen Ellen.
I'd try one....maybe up to 5. What's it like? I have goats and chickens :)

Supposedly it's the bee's knees: doesn't mold or harbor mites, absorbant, easy to compost, easy to clean up....
It's chopped into short pieces. I thinknitnwould be fine to use for the goats - it is commonly used for horses.
I think I could take up to ten, so we need takers for 15 more!
I'd try one....maybe up to 5. What's it like? I have goats and chickens :)


Supposedly it is the bee's knees: doesn't mold, not very dusty, super absorbant, and composts easily (a big one for us). We are using rice hulls right now, but they are pretty dusty and not absorbant, plus they do mold pretty easily (just returned a moldy bag to the feed store, argh). The hemp straw is cut i to small pieces, it's easy to clean up. Should be fine for the goats, people use it a lot for horses.
I can take up to ten bags so we need takers for 15 more!
Hi - 105oF and this is what we've got going on in the hills behind our house today in the San Gabriel Valley - Duarte Fish Canyon/Azusa Angeles National Forest fires. It's been a couple decades since we've seen so many helicopters, planes, various green forestry trucks and red fire engines and police escort vehicles from so many surrounding communities - bless them!

We have tried different sites that still have nothing but there are too many roosters for sale at the feed store that nobody really goes for any most of them have been there for months:(

Oh, that is so sad! Poor roos -- nobody ever wants them except as a free dinner! You might as well keep him for your own table because if he is free someone will have him for dinner anyway. Better for your own table after spending money raising him rather then giving a free dinner to someone else from your own pocketbook!

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