California - Northern

Hi - 105oF and this is what we've got going on in the hills behind our house today in the San Gabriel Valley - Duarte Fish Canyon/Azusa Angeles National Forest fires. It's been a couple decades since we've seen so many helicopters, planes, various green forestry trucks and red fire engines and police escort vehicles from so many surrounding communities - bless them!

Stay Safe!
Hi - 105[SUP]o[/SUP]F and this is what we've got going on in the hills behind our house today in the San Gabriel Valley - Duarte Fish Canyon/Azusa Angeles National Forest fires. It's been a couple decades since we've seen so many helicopters, planes, various green forestry trucks and red fire engines and police escort vehicles from so many surrounding communities - bless them!
That is so scary. I remember being that close to a fire a few years back when the King Fire happened up here. Could look out across the canyon at night and see fire on the hillside, looked like lava flowing down the side of the mountain. Stay safe.
Hi - 105oF and this is what we've got going on in the hills behind our house today in the San Gabriel Valley - Duarte Fish Canyon/Azusa Angeles National Forest fires. It's been a couple decades since we've seen so many helicopters, planes, various green forestry trucks and red fire engines and police escort vehicles from so many surrounding communities - bless them!

Looks a bit smoky and un-healthy for the animals
Looks a bit smoky and un-healthy for the animals

Even though flames got close, the wind was blowing northerly away from us so that was a blessing. Fire engines, volunteer forestry, and police came from all over surrounding cities plus having 3 water helicopters and 2 phos-chek planes all helped! The worst for our flock was the heatwave but no smoke TG!
I would like to know how everyone does their hard boiled eggs! We boil ours with some baking soda in the water and that's supposed to make them peel better, BUT, ours do not peel very good at all. A lot of the white peels off with the shell. Help, if you know a way to do it better. Thank, Rae
I would like to know how everyone does their hard boiled eggs! We boil ours with some baking soda in the water and that's supposed to make them peel better, BUT, ours do not peel very good at all. A lot of the white peels off with the shell. Help, if you know a way to do it better. Thank, Rae

I like to use a little vinegar, It peals a lot better than plain water. Then I put a splash of water in a mason jar, then the egg, then shake it up until there are cracks all over the egg, ,then the shell slips right off
I like to use a little vinegar, It peals a lot better than plain water. Then I put a splash of water in a mason jar, then the egg, then shake it up until there are cracks all over the egg, ,then the shell slips right off

Okay, we'll try that tomorrow. Are you able to peel fresh eggs or do you boil older eggs? I tried to boil eggs from today and they didn’t peel good at all. Most of the white comes off with the peel..
So does anyone want Jin I'm running out of options I'm desperate please help he's free. FREE in Monterey Bay Area please take him

I thought for sure he'd be gone by now. We're just back in town today and won't be over that way until the evening of July 3rd. Let me know if you still have him a day or two before then & I'll foster him until we find him a permanent home.

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