California - Northern

Aahhh - we’re definitely good then! I wouldn’t dream of giving my chickens more treats than they can eat in 10 to 20 minutes! One hen will get about 10 raisins a day which they eat in 20 seconds flat! Same for the mealworms and sunflower seeds... they get a bit more of that but they are definitely not eating for 10 minutes.
I always feed S&P grower (which is actually a bit lower in protein than the layer) because I have a roo with the flock.
I never give extra grain though, so overall that would raise the protein a bit.
Anyway, thank you for the advise! I hope the pampering is going to start doing it’s magic soon, I hate seeing my hens so bedraggled!
Chickens are tough so they will be much better soon.

Are they laying eggs? That is always a good sign of health.
Hi, All! I downsizing my flock in preparation for our move to Placerville. I have Pita Pinta pullets and blue, black, splash Langshan pullets from this year's hatched if anyone is interested. They are 20-30 weeks old.
Hi, All! I downsizing my flock in preparation for our move to Placerville. I have Pita Pinta pullets and blue, black, splash Langshan pullets from this year's hatched if anyone is interested. They are 20-30 weeks old.
Some one will be very lucky to get some!

Is You DH retired now?
He is not retired yet but wishes that he was! The whole healthcare thing is one roadblock for us. He may have to work a few more years.
Here we get to keep healthcare in retirement if you have worked enough years. I thought all UCs were like that?

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