California - Northern

I'm going to call it: Hatching is the most terrible, wonderful thing ever.

The one that I was up with at 4am was totally stuck. I'm not sure why, as the humidity was staying high, but I just managed to get her unglued. I hope she is strong enough to survive. We'll see. It's exhilarating and heart wrenching and astounding - especially to see the little chicks in the brooder all fluffed up and sleeping in their food.


You had a great hatch for the first one! My first hatch was for Lemon Orps. Only two developed and none hatched. See, no Lemon Orpingtons in my siggy....

You are well on your way to being a master hatcher!
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Me too! I'm sorry she has a broken wing but that is better then the Alternative... I hope she heals fast. Chickens amaze me..

This photo just made my day! Awesome!
Do you make your own chicken clothes, or buy them somewhere?

Thanks, everyone!! I hope My little RIR, Ruby, does better soon. She's eating & drinking a lot so I think we will be ok!!
GallusGirl- I can make them since I have a business but I haven't yet :) I found this for a tiny dog at the grocery store. I snipped the arms a little to make more wing room. She's the cutest thing!! :) So glad it made your day :)
Two of the 120ish chicks that hatched in the last couple of days.

I think silver campine chicks are just striking!

They ARE super neat looking! I got some when I ordered my first chicks from Murray McMurray's rare chick assortment back in the 90's. Back then their birds were nice quality. I think the Buttercups I got from them were some of the nicest ones I have ever seen.
finally home from conference week in LA -- so good to be back!! and all seems to have gone well with my neighbor looking after the chicklets (and the Corid seems to have done its job, everyone is healthy and happy-looking), EXCEPT that while collecting freshly-laid eggs, he managed to collect three of the four marked birchen marans eggs that one of the broodies was incubating -- so now there's only one left. oh well, will have to try with them again some time.

but other good news -- I was welcomed by the first olive egg from one of the Amelias -- hooray!!

will take me ages to catch up with this thread, but hello everyone!
So, my mom was talking to my neighbor down the street who used to own chickens, and is actually building a coop now so he can get more.
He was telling my mom that he has a pair of homing pigeons that I can have, if I want them, and that they can stay in the coop with the chickens.
Anyone know anything about this? Seems odd to me.
Last year we had 2 pigeons that randomly showed up at our house and started hanging out with the chickens. They both had leg bands, and so we tried to call around and see if we could find the owners. The would go into the coop with the chickens at night. After a couple weeks we ended up catching them, and giving them to some one that kept pigeons. We talked to someone who told us that some people keep chickens and pigeons together. He said that maybe they got lost, and saw the coop, so they decided to stay.

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