California - Northern

Help! I have an emergency... My brother came in and told me that one of my chickens was bleeding, "the black one". She was in the coop so it was easy for me to grab her. I got her and brought her in, it looked like the side of her neck was wet but when I wiped it with a paper towel I saw it was wet not with water, but with blood. Her comb is dripping blood from the tip of one of the spikes(she is a Black Andulusian so she has a large, floppy, spiky comb). I wiped it off and sprayed it with Blue Kote, it stopped bleeding for a minute but started again. I have her in the house right now and she was just standing on the floor, and I was watching her just drip a drop of blood from the tip of her comb every few seconds. She is acting fine, she just flew up to perch on top of the dog crate...but I don't know what else to do! :( Hellppp, what do I do? How do I stop the bleeding?
Cornstarch. Put some in a shallow dish and dip her comb in it.

You will need to take a washcloth and clean her up. Look for other wounds. My rooster bled like that when he scalped his comb. (got it caught in the fence, his head came through, but he hooked himself by his comb. So make sure you look under her comb. If she did the same, you'll want to separate her for a couple of days until it heals.

If you have some Vetericyn, that will help greatly after the bleeding has stopped.
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Combs have the most blood sources so they bleed pretty heavily when torn. Hopefully it has already stopped. If not - try some superglue.

Thanks guys! I put cornstarch on it, compacted it with my fingers a couple times and that seems to have helped a lot. I last put in on a few minutes ago and it hasn't bled through that again. After it's stopped bleeding for an hour or so should I put superglue or something else on it? Any suggestions?

Combs have the most blood sources so they bleed pretty heavily when torn. Hopefully it has already stopped. If not - try some superglue.

Thanks guys! I put cornstarch on it, compacted it with my fingers a couple times and that seems to have helped a lot. I last put in on a few minutes ago and it hasn't bled through that again. After it's stopped bleeding for an hour or so should I put superglue or something else on it? Any suggestions?

If the cornstarch stopped it then it should be fine once it creates a scab. Do put the bluekote to prevent any further picking. Those comb cuts sure are messy- aren't they?
She is still perched on top of the dog crate, just eating some sunflower seeds I put on it(it's covered with a blanket)

Thanks guys! I put cornstarch on it, compacted it with my fingers a couple times and that seems to have helped a lot. I last put in on a few minutes ago and it hasn't bled through that again. After it's stopped bleeding for an hour or so should I put superglue or something else on it? Any suggestions?
I had a white empordanesa rooster get his poked he was completely red. It stopped bleeding on its own shortly after and it is fine. Just keep a eye on it. The combs bleed like a persons fingers
Sounds like good times!

Can you get a video of them sometime? Or Pictures?

We love both!
Yes, I will try to get videos tomorrow. Pics are good, but video does it justice. They're soo cute! Could watch them all day grabbing goodies and playing keep away from each other.
Thank you everyone! You probably saved my chickies life, she was bleeding very bad for over 30 minutes with no signs of even slowing. I reapplied cornstarch probably about 10 times, compacted it onto the bleeding area of the comb, and the bleeding has stopped completely now. I am keeping her inside overnight. I have a wire dog crate next to my bed for my Nelly, I put a bunch of old towels in it and that's where she'll be spending the night. My Nelly is now UNDER my bed, herding the chicken. Crazy girl.

I have been feeling nauseous tonight, but wanted something to eat so I just took a small bowl of plain rice to bed. I'm sitting there and see the chicken in the dog crate next to me and think, "she's had a rough day...I wonder if she'd want some rice..." so I grabbed some with my fingers and offered it to her through the bars of the crate.
Next thing I know, I'm getting up to get more rice because I ended up giving her a good portion of mine. She was feasting on it!

I definitely need to buy a chicken diaper so that next time I have a chicken that needs to come inside, they can be in without me having to clean up chicken poop off the floor!
Ok, here's a video from today. I don't know what got into them! It's almost like the roosters are doing the Egg Song! They just hung out under the wysteria (however you spell that) bush and had a choir! Why do you think they were singing?


Also, I'm worried about the GLW hen. She's missing feathers on her back. Would this be from treading from a rooster?


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