California - Northern

So you would do treatments on everyone? What kind of treatment? Do I have to stop using eggs? We get about 20 per day. That's a lot to toss!
I would quarantine him and use the oxine mist treatment

None of the others are showing symptoms so I am waiting for the Necropsy report to treat or not. I suspect that she did not adjust to Woodland bugs--Her parent flock was in Arizona.
you get some eggs soon:) I just had two pullets start up today. They are about 26 weeks. Two more are pacing and practicing the "egg song". Finally! I was at the hardware store this morning thinking about buying extension cords, lights and a timer LOL. I had one egg for dinner:) It was fertile, so at one of my cockerels is figuring " things" out.. My daughter is such a little hatch a holic..she was begging me to hatch the pullet eggs, LOL.


Awww how cute! I want to hatch some eggs when I get a broody

This is the pretty egg I found tonight:

Ohh very pretty!

YAY more eggs!! I can't wait until they start laying! It'll be so exciting to collect more than one egg each day! Funny enough I have only eaten three of Henry's 10? eggs that she's laid so far. The rest are sitting in an egg carton on the counter. Even though I will probably hardly ever eat the eggs(I got chickens because I wanted chickens, not eggs) it is still very exciting for me to go out and collect eggs every day! After being a vegan for something like 9 or 10 months now I've pretty much lost my taste for animal products, though I never really was a big egg eater. Took a bite of a burrito that was supposed to be vegan only to find out they put meat in it, nearly started gagging. Threw it out to the hens who ate the entire thing in just a couple minutes! Haha! I fondly call them my garbage disposals

Want to know what I find funny? I thought you guys might get a kick out of this...I was reading an article by one of those wacko extremist vegans who was ranting about how people like me who keep pet chickens are enslaving them, just because we are selfish and want to take their eggs. And that when we take their eggs, they get depressed.
No joke, that's what the article said. We are enslaving these poor chickens!
Because you know, my Blue Andalusian who decided to roost TWELVE FEET up in a tree when I accidentally locked them out of the coop for the night, would not be able to fly over my 6ft fence if she wanted to leave! And every day, I beat them until they agree to lay an egg for me

Now, the Light Brahma's couldn't leave if they wanted to. When I had accidentally locked them out of the coop, the Andalusians were way up in the trees but the Brahmas were frantically running around because their fat, fluffy butts can't get more than a foot off the ground.
So you know, I guess the poor things have no choice but to spend the rest of their life enslaved. Poor things. :(
Silkie people, I am on another thread with a gal who, like me, has less than two years experience with chickens. She hatched 9 wk old silkie chicks gave away the "cockerels" and kept the "pullets." She has not had silkies before and I thought they were nearly impossible to sex that young even for experts. I am just wondering if she is in for a surprise when one of ther little girls starts to crow.

Also @HappyChooks the Wyandotte breeder from whom I bought the hatching eggs agrees with you. 2 cockerels....Bah! I could try to CL them, folks who know say they look good at this point, but I think I will grow em out and eat em.
Yup, she will be surprised when her "girls" turn into boys.. because Silkies are not easy to sex at that young an age. You can guess - but that's all it is - a guess. And unless you have raised a lot of that "strain" so you know how they act and what they do - they can fool you. The beak, the legs, the crest - all of those CAN be indicators but they are not always. A big comb means boy - but a smaller one can be too. I have a Donna-Don who I wasn't sure on until he actually got the streamers at 4 months old.

Icy, mountain roadways sure are deceptive in their danger. I totaled my '99 Nissan Quest today. I am extremely lucky I was driving slowly and carefully - just not enough of each.

Seat belts are designed to keep one from being flung about. You get out by pressing the button thingie at your side, where the metal buckle needs just a bit of movement to release the latch. That latch is NOT designed to release easily when the straps are supporting a hefty driver from falling to the roof when the floor has become the roof.

Hanging upside down makes the inside of the passenger compartment look really different. When the the roof is closer to the floor because... Well... Stuff crumpled and the windshield shattered... It skews one's perspective even more.

All my weight was pulling on that blasted seat belt latch. I couldn't figure out how to rise, or crouch in suspension, or do whatever I could to GET OUT of the seat belt. I also imagined it would hurt when I dropped ... Oh, I dunno, four inches, perhaps? Which I imagined was a huge fall..

I got the button depressed and fell out of the seat to the inside roof, now floor. There were all sorts of things in the front with me, strewn about. Most befuddling. Those empty egg cartons - what were they doing in my way? Like in a movie camera angle, I watched through the space where there used to be a side front passenger window at an approaching pair of upside down legs and work boots.

The nicest people in the world live & work in the Foothills, lemme tell ya. That pair of legs belonged to an AT&T worker who pulled me out of the Quest. He blocked approaching traffic because the Quest was perpendicular across "my" lane of Mt Aukum Rd/E-16. He hadn't seen the accident occur (because most of the SMART, local people weren't out driving around, anyway - he had to be up here on the job) so he approached, calling out, "Is there somebody in there? Is somebody in the car?"

When I answered in the affirmative (saying rather stupidly, "I am" as if he should -of course - know my voice and identity) he asked how I was and if I could move "everything" okay. Okay and yes - I just wanted to get out of the car.

Shortening a long story
: No injuries at all except a seat belt abrasion on my neck. That's it. I can even turn my head/neck further to the left than I have been able for some weeks! Oh, well, there was a major case of shakes and really apologetic and colorful language. Really freaking inconvenient, definitely costly, and my poor flock needed feed! It's the only reason I left the house, anyway.

Slow speed rollovers are not so bad, even for hefty 60 year old folks like me. Either that or I have earned a few Karma points and had a sufficient number of them to encase me in a bubble of protection.... The tow driver - just happened to be going that way and was the second vehicle to arrive - he was NOT dispatched to the scene - will let me pay after the first. His wife happened to be following HIM in the family car and she gave me a ride home while her husband uprighted the Quest and towed it to my street. Friends picked up feed and delivered it so my home flock won't starve.
I think that is too expensive for some creative chiropractic adjustment, yikes!

Wow, somebody was looking out for you for sure.
I am glad you are safe and there were folks on the scene that could help you out quickly. And even better that your friends helped out with the birds to set your mind at rest on that score too.

Take care, and do use ibuprofen because your muscles had a strain that they may not feel now - but you will feel them tomorrow. It can reduce the inflammation so it won't be as bad.
No, not doing any chicken stuff...................although I know several sets of hatching eggs I'd like to come home with. Hmmmm, how do you explain 6+ dozen eggs in your lunch bag? I REALLY like hard-boiled eggs as a treat on the plane, honest officer.


I'll be on the north island, I'm going to be home based near Auckland. There will be 7-10 days visiting my friend's son/family, then two weeks travelling around and the final week back with family. I'm supposed to be planning sights to see and photograph. The only specific destination so far is to see The Shire (the hobbit movie set). I'd like to see the gannet colony, do some whale watching and wildlife photography. I'm packing lots of camera gear. It will be autumn there.
My Dark Brahma cockerel that quit crowing? My son says he's coughing and I kind of agree. His eyes look slightly runny but I was shining a flashlight in them. His behavior is still normal. None of the other chickens sound funny. I went to the feed store looking for something to help and left with nothing.
I know you've covered this before but can you run it by me again?
What do you use for a cold?
Should I treat all the chickens?
Do I need to withdraw from eating eggs?
How will I know if it's more than a simple cold?
Thank you all for the help, I'd like to get ahead of this.
Chickens don't get colds. So you have something else going on.

This is the pretty egg I found tonight:


I got a first egg from a wellie pullet. She beat out the older Barnie pullets.

you get some eggs soon:) I just had two pullets start up today. They are about 26 weeks. Two more are pacing and practicing the "egg song". Finally! I was at the hardware store this morning thinking about buying extension cords, lights and a timer LOL. I had one egg for dinner:) It was fertile, so at one of my cockerels is figuring " things" out.. My daughter is such a little hatch a holic..she was begging me to hatch the pullet eggs, LOL.

Awwww, man, mine still aren't laying and coming up on 9 months old. I did get a barnie egg Tuesday, but I assume it's one of my older girls starting back up from molt from the size of the egg.
@ Happy Chooks-

I got a first egg from a wellie pullet. She beat out the older Barnie pullets.

Awwww, man, mine still aren't laying and coming up on 9 months old. I did get a barnie egg Tuesday, but I assume it's one of my older girls starting back up from molt from the size of the egg.

9 months and no egg? is that a breed thing or is the winter contributing to the late laying? ( I think I accidentally erased the quote marks)
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Awwww, man, mine still aren't laying and coming up on 9 months old. I did get a barnie egg Tuesday, but I assume it's one of my older girls starting back up from molt from the size of the egg.
9 months and no egg? is that a breed thing or is this from the winter contributing to late laying?

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