California - Northern

The guys there said they ordered all laying hens but they are about 90% accurate. They had them all separated by breeds and there were 5 different breeds when I got them. I got three of the each, Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds since I didn't want to get more than six to start. Also, if I ended up with a couple random roosters, I didn't want them to be from multiple breeds. I can have roosters where I live as it is not a city but a "Census designated place", and unincorporated. I have just over a half acre but much of it is shadowed by pines. I do have good garden area and grass where they will be able to roam. I don't mind if I get a rooster as a couple of my neighbors have them, but if more than 1, I would have no qualms about dinner that night.
Gosh I love my lavender orpington pullet. She's so curious and friendly!

here's my dad trying to get her to hop in the backseat to take a ride... very unlike him...she has that effect

So cute!
So today is day 15 on the Bantam/LF hatch. Please will one of you expert hatchers @juststruttin ,@PetRock , @ronott1 , @chiqita or anyone else please tell me if this is right

Make sure the bator is up to 99.5 and stable
Get the humidity up to 65
Candle the little eggs to check that they are viable
pop the two tiny little eggs in there tomorrow
leave it alone

The bantam eggs are MF D'Uccle covered by silkie roo, If I get a girl to hatch I will breed her back to the Silkie and try to hatch those eggs...goal is a silkied D'Uccle a generation or more down the line.

These are pet quality birds and I am just playing around here to see what happens but sure hope we get a little girl!
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So today is day 15 on the Bantam/LF hatch. Please will one of you expert hatchers @juststruttin ,@PetRock , @ronott1 , @chiqita or anyone else please tell me if this is right

Make sure the bator is up to 99.5 and stable
Get the humidity up to 65
Candle the little eggs to check that they are viable
pop the two tiny little eggs in there tomorrow
leave it alone

The bantam eggs are MF D'Uccle covered by silkie roo, If I get a girl to hatch I will breed her back to the Silkie and try to hatch those eggs...goal is a silkied D'Uccle a generation or more down the line.

These are pet quality birds and I am just playing around here to see what happens but sure hope we get a little girl!

I don't up the humidity until day 18. Is there a reason to do it early? How are the air cells?
So today is day 15 on the Bantam/LF hatch. Please will one of you expert hatchers @juststruttin ,@PetRock , @ronott1 , @chiqita or anyone else please tell me if this is right

Make sure the bator is up to 99.5 and stable
Get the humidity up to 65
Candle the little eggs to check that they are viable
pop the two tiny little eggs in there tomorrow
leave it alone

The bantam eggs are MF D'Uccle covered by silkie roo, If I get a girl to hatch I will breed her back to the Silkie and try to hatch those eggs...goal is a silkied D'Uccle a generation or more down the line.

These are pet quality birds and I am just playing around here to see what happens but sure hope we get a little girl!

They are set for hatching(lockdown) on day 18, not 16. It is a good idea to get the incubator stable a day early though. I use egg cartons or flats with the top cut down. The eggs go in big end up and slightly tilted so that the big part of the air cell is up. Make sure the water tanks are topped off.
To me they look like little old black women dressed up fancy for church in great hats and fur coats. My husband calls them the lawn ornaments!
I always think of Zsa Zsa Gabor when I see them.

Such a sweet sound….my husband is turning an old horse stall into a coop! I suggested we put chicken wire on the front. His idea: board it up and add a run. Even better!!
Nice! I need a horse stall or 3.

On the topic of Marans, I'm getting 6 tomorrow! The family is going outta town and doesn't want to hire a chick sitter and they're coming through sac so I get $5 black copper Maran chicks!

Quote: The rules are under Privacy/TOS at the bottom of the page:

The rule Ron is referring to is for luring people from BYC to other forums.

So today is day 15 on the Bantam/LF hatch. Please will one of you expert hatchers @juststruttin ,@PetRock , @ronott1 , @chiqita or anyone else please tell me if this is right

Make sure the bator is up to 99.5 and stable
Get the humidity up to 65
Candle the little eggs to check that they are viable
pop the two tiny little eggs in there tomorrow
leave it alone

The bantam eggs are MF D'Uccle covered by silkie roo, If I get a girl to hatch I will breed her back to the Silkie and try to hatch those eggs...goal is a silkied D'Uccle a generation or more down the line.

These are pet quality birds and I am just playing around here to see what happens but sure hope we get a little girl!
99.5 is if your incubator has a fan. If not, it's 101.5.
Humidity is good at 65%. Add warm water if necessary through a straw to keep it there.
Take the eggs out of any turner. Either lay them flat or put them in cartons (tops cut off) wide end up.
Clean viewing window.
Sit on hands.
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FYI.........there is a new BIN listing for the Mottled AM eggs on the Crazy 24 hour Auction thread again. $45 plus $15 for shipping for 10+ eggs. When I won the auction she shipped 15, but one cracked. I just candled and it looks like 10 out of the 14 left are developing......
So today is day 15 on the Bantam/LF hatch.  Please will one of you expert hatchers @juststruttin
, @ronott1
, @chiqita
or anyone else please tell me if this is right

Make sure the bator  is up to 99.5 and stable
Get the humidity up to 65
Candle the little eggs to check that they are viable
pop the two tiny little eggs in there tomorrow
leave it alone

The bantam eggs are MF D'Uccle covered by silkie roo,   If  I get a girl to hatch I will breed her back to the Silkie and try to hatch those eggs...goal is a silkied D'Uccle a generation or more down the line.

These are pet quality birds and I am just playing around here to see what happens but sure hope we get a little girl!

If you are confident in your temps you can bring them down a notch. When humidity is high there is less o2 in the air. This is not super critical for chicks but can be for turkeys ducks etc that are hatched at high high humidity or if you are at very high altitudes.

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