California - Northern

All night long. We really have got to move the incubators out of the bedroom!!!! Pure Cream Legbars and Bielefelder crosses, I will post up pics when they all hatch. Our biggest set ever 20 eggs!!!! All our hatches from our own eggs have been 95-100% so expecting lots of new chooks.

Chirp chirp chirp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am going to set more UofA Blues and OEs today. They hatch in the big closet in the bedroom. The last hatch of Dorkings and Delawares was fairly quiet. The Blues and OEs are usually noisier but we can still sleep.
Chirp, chirp chirp chirp, chirp chirp, chirp. Chirp chirp chirpity chirp chirp chirp. Chirp, chirp chirp chirp. Chirp chirp chirp. Chirpity chirp chirp. Chirpppppppp...........................................


Yeah, baby chicks in the bedroom can be crazy-making..

I just set my very first guinea eggs - I've never hatched guineas before, so it's eggsiting! They're in a bator full of chicken eggs. From what I understand, the incubation is basically the same, except guineas take a week longer and need higher humidity at hatch.
Wish me luck!

Yeah, baby chicks in the bedroom can be crazy-making..

I just set my very first guinea eggs - I've never hatched guineas before, so it's eggsiting! They're in a bator full of chicken eggs. From what I understand, the incubation is basically the same, except guineas take a week longer and need higher humidity at hatch.
Wish me luck!

Guineas hatch fine at chicken humidity. Shoot for 65 to 70% at hatch.

They are fast little buggers!
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Woo Hoo!!! One of the Mottled eggs hatched this morning!!!! It looks like a blue mottled!! Movement in a second one, but no pip yet. The 3rd one I was hopeful for is looking like a no-go. I will leave it in for a couple mor days
All night long. We really have got to move the incubators out of the bedroom!!!! Pure Cream Legbars and Bielefelder crosses, I will post up pics when they all hatch. Our biggest set ever 20 eggs!!!! All our hatches from our own eggs have been 95-100% so expecting lots of new chooks.

Chirp chirp chirp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG YES ! Move it NAIO! they go insane. Also, if you hatch quail, they prefer to hatch and let you know at 2 AM.

Woo Hoo!!! One of the Mottled eggs hatched this morning!!!! It looks like a blue mottled!! Movement in a second one, but no pip yet. The 3rd one I was hopeful for is looking like a no-go. I will leave it in for a couple mor days


Yeah, baby chicks in the bedroom can be crazy-making..

I just set my very first guinea eggs - I've never hatched guineas before, so it's eggsiting! They're in a bator full of chicken eggs. From what I understand, the incubation is basically the same, except guineas take a week longer and need higher humidity at hatch.
Wish me luck!
Guinea egg shells are very tough, so that's why they sometimes recommend higher, but of course then you have o2 issues and they smother. id be careful upping it much.

2 things this morning, a magic dicky story and an interesting tidbit in Internet information.

So, I have a showgirl sitting on the nest ( day 2 today, and no pips, my stupid hens are all running LOW AND SLOW buggers) and 3 days ago I found one that had an extra hole in it. I picked it up and there was a HUGE hole in the top, and a live chick under the membrane. I had zero hope but wrapped it in a paper towel ad put it in the dicky. Bloody thing internally pipped today and i helped it out! 3 days with no top to the shell! I love you magic dicky. Now to see if it gets bacteria in the egg yolk.

Thing 2! I was chatting with someone who said her vet said corid made hens lay later. She said the info is from Cornell. I'm off to work in a second, but if anyone wants to research that, i find that fascinating and counter intuitive. But you never know...
Hope everyone weekend is going steller!
Woo Hoo!!! One of the Mottled eggs hatched this morning!!!! It looks like a blue mottled!! Movement in a second one, but no pip yet. The 3rd one I was hopeful for is looking like a no-go. I will leave it in for a couple mor days

My little Bantam RIR chick is doing great!!! I was worried because she too a long time to hatch, and was very weak for a couple day. Now you would never know. I had 2 BLRW's with splayed leg (I got them at a day old). I did tape hobbles for several days, and now they are walking fine. It's so nice to have things go right sometimes. Some of the chicks are still getting pasty butt. - not the RIR, but a couple of the day old's I got. I've tried grit, and make sure to check them a lot, but what else can I do? At what point (age) will they stop getting pasted up?

Woo Hoo!!! One of the Mottled eggs hatched this morning!!!! It looks like a blue mottled!! Movement in a second one, but no pip yet. The 3rd one I was hopeful for is looking like a no-go. I will leave it in for a couple mor days
:pop . My little Bantam RIR chick is doing great!!! I was worried because she too a long time to hatch, and was very weak for a couple day. Now you would never know. I had 2 BLRW's with splayed leg (I got them at a day old). I did tape hobbles for several days, and now they are walking fine. It's so nice to have things go right sometimes. Some of the chicks are still getting pasty butt. - not the RIR, but a couple of the day old's I got. I've tried grit, and make sure to check them a lot, but what else can I do? At what point (age) will they stop getting pasted up?
Cute chicks! And I love they way you guys and gals put them on towels/sheets/etc for pictures, they always look professional! -Kathy

My little Bantam RIR chick is doing great!!! I was worried because she too a long time to hatch, and was very weak for a couple day. Now you would never know. I had 2 BLRW's with splayed leg (I got them at a day old). I did tape hobbles for several days, and now they are walking fine. It's so nice to have things go right sometimes. Some of the chicks are still getting pasty butt. - not the RIR, but a couple of the day old's I got. I've tried grit, and make sure to check them a lot, but what else can I do? At what point (age) will they stop getting pasted up?

For Pasty butt, chick grit, scrambled eggs and a little bit of plain yogurt in the morning.
They should get over within 5 days; often sooner.

Very cute chicks!

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