California - Northern

Just got back from the Ice run. One estimate has it at 105 in antioch. Its already warm. I should be getting rid of the fosters this week.

Im just loving my new chicks. One of the CLB Cockerels has decided he likes to be held and picked up. The Delaware looks on like its jealous and it will climb into the hand with a little coaxing. I think its lonely a little because they others have friends within their breed.

I'm a little worried that my Pitas are both male. Ones legs seem thick and the others comb is trying to keep up with the CLB males. (which even at this age is starting to jut out fast)

Chicks can be addicting.

I made the mistake today of letting the fosters into the big run. Well they were immediately set upon by everyone but that wasnt the worst part. They are only 3 weeks younger than my buffs and it became very difficult to tell them apart as they are close in size enough that when the fluff out they look almost the same.

I thought one of them was one of mine so I coaxed it back out of the little coop and had 3 buffs out in the run it became quickly apparent which were the bottom of the over all pecking order so I put her back but with 4 of them running in the run it became confusing because some were braver than others and once picked at started picking down the line at their coop mates.
Similar looking breeds should be banded so they can be identified. Some look so similar at hatch that it is hard to tell what they are. Those need to be hatched in something to separate them and then banded when moved to the Brooder.

Many of the Cream Legbar and Legbar Hybrids are hard to tell apart.
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Wow, the forecast went up - 105 in Davis. It sure is nice right now.
My biggies put themselves to bed last night - I've been picking them up and putting them on the roost bar - so glad they figured out the ladder and can fly up to roost! So proud!!
Yes, I was very surprised to see the forecast go up like that and then 99 for tomorrow.

OOps, Intellecast now say 109 for today and 101 for tomorrow....It may be over 110 here today since the temperatures are often higher than predicted.
Similar looking breeds should be banded so they can be identified. Some look so similar at hatch that it is hard to tell what they are. Those need to be hatched in something to separate them and then banded when moved to the Brooder.

Many of the Cream Legbar and Legbar Hybrids are hard to tell apart.
Well Ill be doing that when I get the breeding space. These fosters have always been either smaller or separated from the other buffs. Its just that they are approaching the point when the frame is about set and the difference is in weight.

They have been getting ansy in the little coop every time I come outside and a couple of times try flying up the sides of their little run. I think now that they were picked on a bit they will be less desirous to get out of their safe zone. (At least for a little while) It will be good when they are gone. The others have a way to go before they will come close to being integrated. At least 2-3 months
more. like the 10-12th time.
dont havemoney for a replacwment atm,no broodies (my girlsgave up) and im not even getting any eggs to top that UGH what am i doing wrong?
Its a hot time of year to be running a small, not optimal incubator like yours. I would not try to hatch in that thing when temps are getting over 100, or swinging wildly from night to day. Those little plastic things just do not hold steady on their own. I know you really want to hatch, but you are setting yourself up for massive failure here.

My youngster with the bad leg had finally had the dead foot drop off. It has healed well and it seems to be getting around OK. It is eating well and seems to be enjoying life. It hops on the one foot when it wants to get somewhere and balances well. I am seriously considering trying to rig a prosthesis. The "stump" is flared at the end so I think that will help to keep something on. I will have to research it. I forgot who posted it but the link here on chicken prosthetic did inspire me. The pictures on that article didn't show it being work by the chicken though so I need to look for more.

Posing next to a Sobe bottle for size reference

Flared end on the stump...hoping it makes it easier to attach a prosthetic

Best buds. These are hatch mates for the same egg source (LuvinBlue)... the the mottled is much bigger

good job!
Similar looking breeds should be banded so they can be identified. Some look so similar at hatch that it is hard to tell what they are. Those need to be hatched in something to separate them and then banded when moved to the Brooder.

Many of the Cream Legbar and Legbar Hybrids are hard to tell apart.
My first hatch of my own cream legbars, i had BOTH mixed eggs and silver legbars hatching. ALL those birds look like CL pullets when hatched. it was **** MADNESS!
Chickens must have invented the game keep away. I gave my little chicks scrambled egg this morning for the first time. I held some in my hand for them today and put the bowl down for them. When one finally figured out it was food he grabbed a chunk and tore around the box trying to hide with everyone else chasing him. Took a couple of them running over the dish several times to realize there is more of this stuff here. It was funny to watch. At first they would take chunks out and run to hide and others would chase they finally got the idea there was plenty for everyone. But its funny. Now wonder chicks are addicting
Hi Northern California Friends!
I am a new chicken owner. We found our girl Annie living on a street corner in a bush about two weeks ago. I have been on here trying to figure out what breed she is. A few people have guessed that she is an Aseel, but feel free to give me suggestions if you think differently.
Here are a few pictures of her:


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