California - Northern

Alright an update

Our EE pullet who started hatching out chicks at 23 weeks of age
is progressing nicely .......

Well here she is at 25 weeks old and the chicks are growing
up and yes I had to put some feed in the box to get them in
for a better photographic moment .....

So I picked up 4 chicks...2 PP and 2 Konzas from Ron on Sunday morning. I gave them to my Broody that night and the little family is doing great.

Yesterday I went out to check on everyone and one of the PPs...the bright white one...had got itself wedged between two edging bricks with its head halfway out of the pen. Over 70 chicks have been raised in that pen in the last 2.5 years. This was a first! Anyway

I rescued it. It had a wound on its side that I treated with Vetrycin. I brought it in and put it in the brooder under the lamp gave it vitamins water and a little food then hopped on BYC because the wing on the wound side seemed to be dangling uselessly and I thought it might be broken. So I wrapped vet wrap around it to hold the wing in place against its body and because at this point it was again lively, eating and pooping and complaining loudly about being in solitary; I put it back under mama at dark. This morning the vet wrap was off but it walked out of the dog crate happy as a clam. The wing is not normal but looks way better and the wound is healing nicely.

Any advice on next steps? The chick is keeping up with the others and if you didn't know it had been injured yesterday you might not even notice.
So I picked up 4 chicks...2 PP and 2 Konzas from Ron on Sunday morning. I gave them to my Broody that night and the little family is doing great.

Yesterday I went out to check on everyone and one of the PPs...the bright white one...had got itself wedged between two edging bricks with its head halfway out of the pen. Over 70 chicks have been raised in that pen in the last 2.5 years. This was a first! Anyway

I rescued it. It had a wound on its side that I treated with Vetrycin. I brought it in and put it in the brooder under the lamp gave it vitamins water and a little food then hopped on BYC because the wing on the wound side seemed to be dangling uselessly and I thought it might be broken. So I wrapped vet wrap around it to hold the wing in place against its body and because at this point it was again lively, eating and pooping and complaining loudly about being in solitary; I put it back under mama at dark. This morning the vet wrap was off but it walked out of the dog crate happy as a clam. The wing is not normal but looks way better and the wound is healing nicely.

Any advice on next steps? The chick is keeping up with the others and if you didn't know it had been injured yesterday you might not even notice.

if it looks good and is acting healthy, i'd just leave it be -- i'm continually amazed at how quickly and completely chickens heal form injuries.

and FYI, my two birchen marans girls have both gone broody again, and so are sitting on 8 eggs between them -- so good that you are keeping all the earlier chicks!!
The CLB boys combs are huge at 4 weeks. Wow. What was supposed to be cool additions to my back yard layer flock has turned out to be a bachelor pad. I even think the Delaware may be a boy. Ill have to get Debi to look but I think the PP's are boys. One looks to be trying to keep up with the CLB and the other only slightly behind. They sure are pretty birds though.

Might have to pull my little CLB hen out of the brooder sooner than usual to help keep the boys in line. This weekend is moving day for the inside chicks to the garage brooder. They will sure like the extra space. Not sure they can reach the nipple bottles yet but we will find out soon.

Im really liking the personality of a couple of my CLB boys though. I'll hate to have to get rid of them. I will really have to work on finding some breeder space this next month. Havent had much time the last month to work on that.
The CLB boys combs are huge at 4 weeks. Wow.  What was supposed to be cool additions to my back yard layer flock has turned out to be a bachelor pad. I even think the Delaware may be a boy. Ill have to get Debi to look but I think the PP's are boys. One looks  to be trying to keep up with the CLB and the other only slightly behind. They sure are pretty birds though.

Might have to pull my little CLB hen out of the brooder sooner than usual to help keep the boys in line. This weekend is moving day for the inside chicks to the garage brooder. They will sure like the extra space. Not sure they can reach the nipple bottles yet but we will find out soon.

Im really liking  the personality of a couple of my CLB boys though. I'll hate to have to get rid of them. I will really have to work on finding some breeder space this next month.  Havent had much time the last month to work on that.

Sounds like candidates for rooster collars maybe? Or is it against your city code to even have roos?
My favorite showgirl looks like a roo so I have one that I'm going ro try once he starts his crowing.
Anyone have any non show quality Penedesencas girls? I'm looking for 2 of any age/any color under 1 yr. I like dark eggs for my basket & I'm really frustrated with my marans constantly going broody. I'm "breaking broody" for the 3rd time this year.
Or perhaps a different breed recommendation?
Sounds like candidates for rooster collars maybe? Or is it against your city code to even have roos?
My favorite showgirl looks like a roo so I have one that I'm going ro try once he starts his crowing.
Might have to try. It might make introducing new birds into the flock a bit easier if I had one. The ordinance says I can't without a permit but I can't find anything about how to obtain a permit.
Anyone have any non show quality Penedesencas girls? I'm looking for 2 of any age/any color under 1 yr. I like dark eggs for my basket & I'm really frustrated with my marans constantly going broody. I'm "breaking broody" for the 3rd time this year.
Or perhaps a different breed recommendation?
I might have one hatching!

I should have a couple from this hatch. They are 85% accurate at hatch for Gender.

I can also start collecting hatching eggs for local pickup. I did offer these up 21 days ago....

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