California - Northern

if it looks good and is acting healthy, i'd just leave it be -- i'm continually amazed at how quickly and completely chickens heal form injuries.  

and FYI, my two birchen marans girls have both gone broody again, and so are sitting on 8 eggs between them -- so good that you are keeping all the earlier chicks!!

Thank you Laura. I know the ice cream bar Is a cockerel and one of the older marans is too There is at least one pullet in the older marans bunch and the blue is I am thinking a pullet as well. The little ones look nearly identical except for the coloring on the one. So no idea yet with that bunch. I am enjoying them. Your fox kits are darling... I have a mean NJ rooster I should rehome with you.
Is it black? I have someone looking for a solid quality black sg rooster.

Not black, dark grey with silver leakage and mahogany shoulder splotches & no bow tie.
Tries to attach picture but phone is not cooperating.
One of these days I'd love to get another dozen SG hatching eggs & talk about digitizing my humidaire.
Not black, dark grey with silver leakage and mahogany shoulder splotches & no bow tie.
Tries to attach picture but phone is not cooperating.
One of these days I'd love to get another dozen SG hatching eggs & talk about digitizing my humidaire.
there is a person in oakley here who just hatched SG. I dont know if she is on BYC but she is on CPP FB
Thank you Laura. I know the ice cream bar Is a cockerel and one of the older marans is too There is at least one pullet in the older marans bunch and the blue is I am thinking a pullet as well. The little ones look nearly identical except for the coloring on the one. So no idea yet with that bunch. I am enjoying them. Your fox kits are darling... I have a mean NJ rooster I should rehome with you.

i figured the ice cream-bar would be a boy, since he had a nice big spot on his head -- glad to know the auto-sexing carries over from the CLB! and i was guessing pullet on the blue (who is half isbar, half marans if i recall, so an OE) -- hope you take some pictures as they grow, i'm especially curious about the yellow marans chick!

and ha, yes, with all these foxes close at hand, i could become a disposal service for mean roosters! here are some videos i took this morning:

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I might have one hatching! I should have a couple from this hatch. They are 85% accurate at hatch for Gender. I can also start collecting hatching eggs for local pickup. I did offer these up 21 days ago....
Oh thanks Ron! I have a broody banty rosecomb that I think I should graft chicks to. She's been broody for about a month & is feeling so light and thin. She will not be broken - she nested on bare wire.
Oh thanks Ron! I have a broody banty rosecomb that I think I should graft chicks to. She's been broody for about a month & is feeling so light and thin. She will not be broken - she nested on bare wire.
They should be ready by Sunday--and hopefully there will be some pullets hatching. I have been hatching some pullets this year so there is hope that the Cockeral curse has been broken.
And feather lice was what I was trying to treat for. I read the label and it clearly states that it works on sucking (or does it say biting?) lice, which feather lice aren't, but some peafowl people swore it worked for them, so I tried it many different ways and came to the conclusion that it is ineffective on feather lice. Also tried treating with DE and that didn't work either.


The poultry dust worked quite well. They were dead the next day.
But I also gave them a bath. Figured my Bresse rooster needed some hands on attention to try to get the meanness out of him.
Not really sure if it worked though
The poultry dust worked quite well. They were dead the next day.
But I also gave them a bath. Figured my Bresse rooster needed some hands on attention to try to get the meanness out of him.
Not really sure if it worked though

Good news about getting the lice!

Bresse Roosters are so big!
The CLB boys combs are huge at 4 weeks. Wow. What was supposed to be cool additions to my back yard layer flock has turned out to be a bachelor pad. I even think the Delaware may be a boy. Ill have to get Debi to look but I think the PP's are boys. One looks to be trying to keep up with the CLB and the other only slightly behind. They sure are pretty birds though.

Might have to pull my little CLB hen out of the brooder sooner than usual to help keep the boys in line. This weekend is moving day for the inside chicks to the garage brooder. They will sure like the extra space. Not sure they can reach the nipple bottles yet but we will find out soon.

Im really liking the personality of a couple of my CLB boys though. I'll hate to have to get rid of them. I will really have to work on finding some breeder space this next month. Havent had much time the last month to work on that.
Seems the curse continues! One of my Sussex has been acting a little roo-like lately. Checked his saddle feathers this morning and sure enough; little spikey feathers are starting to poke out. That makes 7 out of 9 from this spring... sure hope the eggs I'm picking up from Papa Brooder tonight throw a couple of girls.

They should be ready by Sunday--and hopefully there will be some pullets hatching. I have been hatching some pullets this year so there is hope that the Cockeral curse has been broken.
That sure would be nice...

I wonder how much the weather this year has affected this. I was reading somewhere (maybe this thread?) that hens will make more boys if the conditions are poor or stressful. The drought seems to qualify.

The poultry dust worked quite well. They were dead the next day.
But I also gave them a bath. Figured my Bresse rooster needed some hands on attention to try to get the meanness out of him.
Not really sure if it worked though
Did he get the manicure also?

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