California - Northern

Almost finished a small "bachelor" coop. Still need to stain it and get it level on blocks. Made a new nest box for one of my other coops with the scrap wood:) Trisha
Solitary! Looks good. [/quote] Thanks:) There will be metal roofing added before the rainy season begins. We need to finish our barn and I hope to use some left over roofing from that project for the coop. I would like to build one more " bachelor " coop. I have a bunch of nice cockerels this year and want to keep a few extra for breeding. I would like to keep up to 6 males instead of my usual 2-4 and 4 is too hard on the hens if housed together . Trisha
Yes, they can go broody when they are no longer laying. My 5 1/2 year old hatchery light brahma just hatched out 3 welsummer chicks. (and she is a wonderful mother) She has never been broody before, and she has only laid the occasional fart egg for the past year.
I feel so dumb, but until this post right here I totally missed that wind egg = fart egg. When I first heard the term wind egg I thought it was a bit nonsensical but kind of cute. The cuteness is dead forever.
About Casportpony's remarks to "Kathy"… Is this the Kathy of Delaware redevelopment fame? And in either case would it be possible to secure a trio of those "superior recently brought back from near extinction" Delawares? I do have one pullet who seems an elegant appearing bird. She has the requisite black tail markings, the black lacing around the neck and the small black flecks in her wings. If provided a e-mail address I could easily send any number of photos of her if you want to pass judgment on her conformation and markings. Since there seems to be a prohibition on distributing an e-mail address directly, you may call me for such an exchange by telephone. There seems no restriction on that. I'm ALWAYS available:(209) 327-2068 Incidentally she has shown a great deal of what passes for intelligence in a chicken and she is friendly too and not yet, but almost at laying age. Got all that? (LOL!) Stay well all!
Your Chicken buddy,
Neal, the Zooman
I've been busy! I have 4 blue d'uccle chicks! I also have 3 moms with one baby each! two moms live together. All of the babies are around two weeks old.

Question.... Could i try to put the 4 blue d'uccles with the two moms and their two babies? Would this work or be a disaster?
I hope you find your kitty! I have found putting up signs with a pic around your neighborhood helps. Fingers crossed you find her!
And adorable pup!!

My chicken news is that I just put my littles (6 weeks) in the coop with the biggies (12 weeks). It was dark and the back roost was unoccupied. No pecking noises or reshuffling of positions. They have been hanging out closer to each other this last week, so I hope all goes well in the morning!
Littles: . They are Sinatra the Australorp and Red the BSL.

Here are the biggies - Penny EE (top chick who now chases the cats) and Henry my pretty LB.
This pic was when I took a mirror outside and they were so curious. They figured out pretty quick it was a reflection and they were preening.

This is the coop - it was designed for 2 chickens. Haha. The roost space is 5x2x2.

They free range in my yard during the day, and have been since they were all a couple days old. The littles used to spend all their time in the front yard because they can crawl under the fence but lately they hang on the same side of the fence. I hope the integration works!!
The littles have gotten a bit big for the rabbit cage brooder inside and I got mice today. Lights out, the chicks realized there are MICE in the room and freaked out. Well, they were concerned. And unsettled enough to accept the transfer.
i have an EE pullet that's just like yours!
I opened the eggs that didn't hatch today and I had 4 that looked fully developed but didn't pip internally. What are the most common causes for this?

The most comon causes are malpositioning smothering or running out of oomph at the ladt minute.

This is subject that I am very interesting in hearing more on.

This is subject that I am very interesting in hearing more on.


I don't know much about malposition but hatching is a race to get out of the egg before the o2 goes away. So airflow and o2raito in the incubator are huge. I think that's why cabinets can have better hatches lots of fresh air with high o2 content.
I opened the eggs that didn't hatch today and I had 4 that looked fully developed but didn't pip internally. What are the most common causes for this?

See Below for the hatch analysis trouble shooter. Save it for future reference--I have posted it on this thread too many times to count but will continue posting in any time someone needs it!


The most comon causes are malpositioning smothering or running out of oomph at the ladt minute.

They do not get into position before day 18 which makes mal postion more of an indicator of when they died. It is not a cause of death usually.
This is subject that I am very interesting in hearing more on.

This is subject that I am very interesting in hearing more on.


I don't know much about malposition but hatching is a race to get out of the egg before the o2 goes away. So airflow and o2raito in the incubator are huge. I think that's why cabinets can have better hatches lots of fresh air with high o2 content.

I've been seeing lots of malpositions and not just in my eggs or eggs in bators, I've been seeing them in shipped eggs and eggs under hens.


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