California - Northern

What was surprising is that there was no noise here, but the house was moving pretty good. I just checked the damage that I can see so far, but the chicikens are still on edge and the dogs are very friendly.


Happy to hear you've not had any damage Walt.
it was a very rolling/wave-like-feeling quake up here on Sonoma Mtn, but amazingly no stuff fell off shelves, and as far as i can tell, the chickens slept through it.  cats were freaked out, though -- as was i, for a bit!  strongest one i've felt since 1989...

and it looks like Napa has really borne the brunt of this one -- hope everyone is okay.

I was worried about you!
I am glad you and walt were ok. All that fell at the warehouse was some pillows.

J hope your right jason and nap recovers
I was worried about you!
I am glad you and walt were ok. All that fell at the warehouse was some pillows.

J hope your right jason and nap recovers

all is well here, but the strangest thing was seeing "earthquake lightning," which i'd never even HEARD of (and have lived in CA since i was two years old, in 1969) -- and which several other friends, who live in completely different towns than me, also reported seeing. two flashes, one during and one just after the shaking. beyond bizarre. here's a link someone posted:

and a friend in Sonoma reports the tragic loss of a magnum of wine, EXCEPT he managed to save most of the wine, and plans to filter & drink later. another friend saw this photo from a Napa winery, posted on twitter -- a bit more tragic!

Hoping everyone is ok it's sad about Napa such a pretty town and I'm hoping the damage isn't as bad as the news shows

I think we were on the edge of it.
Felt like a whiplash. Not up and down, but more rolling. We didn't feel any aftershocks. I glanced at the time and it was 3:29. At first, DH thought a hurricane gust of wind hit us, but there was zero wind. That was when the chickens started screaming.

He opened the henhouse to check on everybody, and at least fifty chickens flew at him, then few to the furthest corners of the pen, screaming in terror. Poor chicks... Shockingly, we didn't sustain any damage. The only thing that was changed, was a hanging apple picker swinging wildly from a clothesline.

Sure hope everyone else is okay! This was very frightening.
We are in Santa Rosa area and we have 2 hens now. New to this but we love our girls!

Has anyone else been having issues with the "reply" box? When I quote something, all I get is code... I think, I'm not sure if that's what it is exactly. I also don't get the tool bar on the top, which doesn't allow me to upload photos or add smileys.

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
I get that sometimes, but it usually corrects itself after a bit. Sometimes just exiting and quoting again will take care of it, but not always

Quote: We moved from San Jose in 1986 and have felt a grand total of 4 eathquakes since then up here. Usually they are centered in the Tahoe or Eureka areas. DH was in San Jose for the big one in 1989. I don;t miss then but will take an earthquake over a tornado or hurricane any day.

Quote: How is she doing? Hope her wrist is better.

LOL!!!! I don't drink, wine or any other alcohol, but know many who do and know they would be right there with you.

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