California - Northern

The little Lavender Orp that I found weak & laying on it's back last night is still alive this morning, I guess force feeding it some probiotics helped! Going to the store some time today to get electrolytes.

Great news! I have one splash that I'm keeping a close eye on as she's pasted up twice.
Sigh... Was at the feed store today and found a very ill OEGB that was covered in mites! Of course I couldn't leave her there to die, so I brought her home.

we need to get pics of the ones for the loosing team they sell to 3d world countries on some reedy looking guys fishing in the Philippines for yiur anti giants guys so they can be sad
NPR had that on last year!

Huge containers of clothes heading off to 3rd wold countries. That would be amazing!
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Sigh... Was at the feed store today and found a very ill OEGB that was covered in mites! Of course I couldn't leave her there to die, so I brought her home.

did you see the UCD paper I posted last week about mites? In California they are becoming resistant to pyrethrum and permectrin.

Time to break out the Seven dust!
Anyone near Oakland have a 5'-ish length of chicken wire or hardware cloth I could buy? I need to make a top for the brooder this weekend and I *really* don't want to buy a $70 roll of chicken wire at Home Depot. I'm open to other ideas and advice, too.
another option is to call up a few stucco companies nearby. they often have "mistake" rolls where the machine doesn't connect the wire correctly in small sections. I usually get 150' roll for $30-35. It has sections that need to be cut out but I bet I still get 135' of perfect chicken wire. :)
Sigh... Was at the feed store today and found a very ill OEGB that was covered in mites! Of course I couldn't leave her there to die, so I brought her home.


did you see the UCD paper I posted last week about mites? In California they are becoming resistant to pyrethrum and permectrin.

Time to break out the Seven dust!

Lalo sprayed her with something before I took her, but I'll use Sevin if I see more crawling on her. She's really pale, very thin (310 grams), a little hypothermic and probably dehydrated. Going to get her warm and tube some fluids. Will also take a look at what vitamins her that might do her some good.


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