California - Northern

As am I! I was afraid that if they went off the far side of the fence they'd never figure out how to get back IN, as the hillside outside the fence is vertical down to the river 30' below.... Plus, more stray cats and raccoons live in one of the trees outside the fence. The road - I live on Hwy 9, feet from the road, so a hen out front with no road savvy would be road kill in a very short time.

I need to fix the back fence. Can't do it until after Christmas though. I don't have the skills or muscle to do it myself, so I need some cash to do it... This is good digging season, my ONLY digging season, but I'm not sure it's good fence fixing season. Most of that back piece is going to have to be replaced, and I want to put in cement or cement block footings because that ground dries out for just a few months of the year, and wood in the ground won't last very long.

Golly, what a dust up.
Ronott, they are not. They're getting close, but no, not full grown. They were started pullets from MacMurray September 16th. Comb development is still pretty small. Not babies either, and I could maybe have stayed to watch what happened, if they stood up to the cat, but once the girls went up on the fence, I knew it was time to get a move on and DO something. They're my expensive babies, and I don't want to lose them stupidly!
Sorry to say but fixing the fence will not stop a cat. I had a cat hanging around here and she would just jump over the fence like it was nothing. She kept showing up early in the morning and harassing my hens. I was thinking I would have to trap it, but then I saw it dead on the road one day. Lucky for my chickens!

Someone told me that you can rent a trap at the animal shelter and trap cats. Good luck.
No, but it will slow it down marginally. Animals have dug depressions under my fence, and short of putting in the same wire apron I have on the chicken run, there's nothing I can do about it. My fence is at the limit of the flat on our property, and hillside attrition means that sometimes the 'down' part of the hill starts under the fence, not outside it. Don't know how old the fence is, it was there when we bought the property 3 years ago, and it wasn't new then. So, new fence nearly anywhere means losing yard space. As for the feral cats in my area, I never see them dead by the road. I see raccoons, skunks, squirrels and possoms, but not cats. There aren't a LOT of stray cats around, I think the raccoons keep their numbers in check.

I think having a rule that the girls can only be out when I'm there will keep them safe, plus it will allow me to defend my plants from rampaging hens.
Litter Life by:

Ron, want to extend a thank you for mentioning this product! I called up and spoke to Allen about the product and other products he has listed. Nice, patient guy! I also purchased Probiotics For Chickens | Big ole Bird, for the months that are cold and hard on them. The prices were quite reasonable! Rochelle
Ron, want to extend a thank you for mentioning this product! I called up and spoke to Allen about the product and other products he has listed. Nice, patient guy! I also purchased Probiotics For Chickens | Big ole Bird, for the months that are cold and hard on them. The prices were quite reasonable! Rochelle
Your Welcome!

This week is BOB time for my flock.
Anyone ever teach a chicken to talk? Ive taught my serama to talk xD not very much yet but still he talks lol

I've had some real talkers over the years. I didn't have to teach them though, lol. I hope everyone is prepared for the big storms coming around Wednesday or Thursday. Flood level alerts are predicted for up to 8" of rain in 24 hours for my area.

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