California - Northern

Thank you all for sharing all you experiences - good as well as bad.

I did a dumb thing that I know so much better than to do.
I did not check my broody's nest box to make sure it was tight up against the side & back of the cage before eggs hatched. This morning I found 3 wee seramas cold & lifeless squashed between the box & cage.
ARG! Bad chicken mommy!
But - while sadly holding them, one gasped. Whaaa?!?
I stuck all 3 into the incubator and an hour later, all 3 are acting like nothing happened, cheeping away. I gave them a little extra time in there & them moved them back under momma (after fixing the box situation).
All was still good when I last checked this evening.
If I hadn't read/heard stories like that here, I probably would've just said goodbye & buried them.
Tough little cookies.

So happy for you that you were able to save them Lisa. See you at the chicken party.
Ever read the 60 dollar tomatoe?
Try red cell and b vitamin shots if its actual infertility rather then mites etc. But mites are sneaky.i just had to pull apart my whole silkie coop over mites . Im still very sore!
quote name="KernH" url="/t/25/california-northern/61260#post_15151143"]

I thought I was addicted. You need help! See you at the party. Kern
Help in this group is lending incubators lol.
they aint dead till they are warm and dead. Rescued a duckling today momma stepped on the egg broke it early and a fly found it and layed mefmega eggs on it. Washed her in warm watet vetrynican the youlk not yet absorbed wrapped her in non sticking towl and bam! Shes peeping and absorbing the yolk hope shes wobbling on her feet once im back from class tonight![/QUOTE]

Sounds like a miracle to me. Good for you Shantih.......
What to do? Here's what I would do; take them for an examination to my local bird oriented veterinarian. Should any of them die I would take the deceased specimens to the local university based pathology lab for necrotic analysis. You will learn what the basis for your problems were and may be able to head off a epidemiologic disaster. In many states these are free services, a small return for your labors taken by taxation. And let us know how all this pans out.
Neal, the Zooman

What does this chick look like?
Thank you all for sharing all you experiences - good as well as bad.

I did a dumb thing that I know so much better than to do.
I did not check my broody's nest box to make sure it was tight up against the side & back of the cage before eggs hatched. This morning I found 3 wee seramas cold & lifeless squashed between the box & cage.
ARG! Bad chicken mommy!
But - while sadly holding them, one gasped. Whaaa?!?
I stuck all 3 into the incubator and an hour later, all 3 are acting like nothing happened, cheeping away. I gave them a little extra time in there & them moved them back under momma (after fixing the box situation).
All was still good when I last checked this evening.
If I hadn't read/heard stories like that here, I probably would've just said goodbye & buried them.
Tough little cookies.
Amazing! I have done something similar. Mine was pushed all the way into the corner, but didn't factor in the slant of the box (it was a covered kitty litter box). I had a couple that got suck in behind too but found them before they got very chilled. I have some Marans chicks hatching under my blue Wyandotte broody right now....I will be checking often even though the box she is in is more square. I don't know why so many containers re slanted.....unless it is to allow them to nest into each other for shipping/shelf space at the stores. They clearly are not taking us chicken people into consideration when they make them!

Quote: Sounds like one to me too!
I personally would place the boundary just south of Sacramento.

How many and what type of chickens do you have.

One of the best threads here at BYC even if we dont draw the same line
(Would leave me and some of my other friends out if we did it your way) Like we like to say its a state of mind more than the location.

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