California - Northern

Well had a minor/major issue in my bator today.

One of the candled iffy barred holland eggs went bad and I tried removing it from the bator but it was unfortunately was stuck to the turner and it sploded
so went immediately into clean and disinfect the bator. Eggs were out of the bator for no more than a half hour (man that smell just stays in your nose) but now Im having a hard time getting the humidity back down. Im on day 15 now and was planning on candling but with that mishap I figured id wait till tomorrow.

Ive learned my lesson that if day 10 the egg is dark like that get rid of it.

I also lost a cream legbar egg as I dropped and cracked it shuffling eggs around.

Well had a minor/major issue in my bator today.

One of the candled iffy barred holland eggs went bad and I tried removing it from the bator but it was unfortunately was stuck to the turner  and it sploded :sick   so went immediately into clean and disinfect the bator. Eggs were out of the bator for no more than a half hour  (man that smell just stays in your nose) but now Im having a hard time getting the humidity back down. Im on day 15 now and was planning on candling but with that mishap I figured id wait till tomorrow.

Ive learned my lesson that if day 10 the egg is dark like that get rid of it.

I also lost a cream legbar egg as I dropped and cracked it shuffling eggs around. 


Oh no! That's sad and nasty at the same time. I put on a dust mask from hubs supply in the garage. I sprinkle lemon doterra essential oil in it. Lol I have strong memory associations to smells and it will haunt me....
Hi h2oratt and Audio51, and interested others,
A slight clarification if you will permit it. There is no such thing as the 3 syllable Vetricyn. The product has 4 syllables Vetericyn as in Ve - te - ri - cyn. I think this mispronunciation comes about as an offspring of the 6 syllable word veterinarian which is often mispronounced as a 5 syllable misnomer, vetrenarian. Okay, so I'm an old crazy word nut but at least I share my enthusiasms generously and without any rancor whatsoever. I just do not like seeing our beautiful American language degraded. Have fun!
Neal, the Zooman
So there are studies of Albendazole (Valbazen) in poultry. It is named as the "drug of choice" for certain infestations and seems to have fewer side effects than wormers sanctioned for poultry. There still are risks
Also widely used for human parsites. Articles from mayo clinic among others.
Wikipedia stated It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, a list of the most important medications needed in a basic health system.
Interesting info
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Hi I am new. I live in Stockton California.

My chicks just turned 4 weeks.
Got an assortment of ornamental layers from mcmurrays.
Welcome! That sounds like a fun way to get a beautiful variety of pullets. Have you ID'd all of them yet?

Well, I'm a little disappointed. Out of the 16 Rosecomb eggs I received in the mail, only 2 are alive and moving around in their egg.
2 others are hopefully alive, and about 5 others are probably dead. The rest are dead/clear.

I still have hope for the 4, but we shall see.
Fingers crossed the four make it.

Here is a picture of the two marans.
Uh oh,that does look like a boy to me. Hope you can find a place for him.

Although I was a vet tech for some time back in the late 50s and early 60s from reading the labels I can tell you good folks the following: Vetericyn, pron. ve te ri cyn, and NOT ve tri cyn, is a topical agent comprised of one active ingredient, Hypochlorous Acid. It is a weak acid and is apparently soothing to the skin. The manufacturer claims that it is for the over the counter management of the skin. It is recommended for application on abrasions,burns, lacerations, minor irritations, and cuts. It is touted as a rather benign substance free of alcohol, steroids and antibiotics and comes in several physical forms including liquid and a gel which readily spray from the container. They do not define just what is meant by their use of the term management. Nor do they describe its mode of action. Some members of our forum, BYC report good outcomes by using it. Whatever its mode of action it is NOT an antibiotic. In fairness to the manufacturer I can say that I have used it in connection with a hen who had her back skin torn away by an over ardent junior high school cockerel. The skin was discovered hanging almost to the ground. After applying a series of tight 00 black surgical sutures to restore the skin to its original position Vetericyn was applied daily to the site along the suture lines. The bird was also given a daily broad spectrum oral antibiotic. This regimen was followed for a 2 week period at which time the sutures were expelled during the healing process. Vetericyn was applied for two additional days. There was no infection and the skin stayed in place. What role the Vetericyn played is hard to assess. At any rate, were another one of my animals met with a damaged skin as described on the bottle I would not hesitate to use the product again. As for Vetrimycin 100 it is a trade name for an injectable antibiotic with a long therapeutic history. As I understand it, it is a systemic antibiotic just like its precursor Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride which by the way comes in an oral form. However, it is my understanding that Vetrimycin is primarily an injectable. So these are definitely different therapeutic agents and unless a person has medical training and skills I highly recommend that one works in concert with his veterinarian. I have not used the proprietary Vetrimycin although I have years of experience working with the generic form Oxytetracyline Hydrochloride in both injectable and oral formulations. Again, I recommend working in concert with your vet. For the record, I am a well trained veterinary technician as well as a highly trained medical technician. I make no claims as a clinician nor do I prescribe courses of therapeutic action. I'm simply describing my impressions as a 76 year old retiree with extensive experience. You make of my opinions what you will; and for the umpteenth time I do recommend consulting your veterinarian with your significant findings.
I wish all of you and your charges, great health free from medical adventures, but we know that that is not likely a long term happening.
Stay well,
Neal, the Zooman
This is good information, thank you for sharing it.

Hi h2oratt and Audio51, and interested others,
A slight clarification if you will permit it. There is no such thing as the 3 syllable Vetricyn. The product has 4 syllables Vetericyn as in Ve - te - ri - cyn. I think this mispronunciation comes about as an offspring of the 6 syllable word veterinarian which is often mispronounced as a 5 syllable misnomer, vetrenarian. Okay, so I'm an old crazy word nut but at least I share my enthusiasms generously and without any rancor whatsoever. I just do not like seeing our beautiful American language degraded. Have fun!
Neal, the Zooman
I can be nit-picky about spoken language as well, but you sound a bit like my husband. He hates when people drop the syllable from veterinarian. His biggest pet peeves are people skipping the first r in library, and saying why when they mean while (as in "It happened why I was gone").

Yes, there's a protrusion. I really, really didn't want to hear "prolapse"

I gave her the first bath today, and slathered the red bit with generic monistat 7 and plain triple antibiotic ointment. I was thinking I should've picked up some Preparation H, as well. It's not like she can get much more annoyed with adding one more ointment...

I'll try to remember to get a better photo, post-bathing and pre-slathering, if anyone thinks it'd be a good idea.
Although I was a vet tech for some time back in the late 50s and early 60s from reading the labels I can tell you good folks the following: Vetericyn, pron. ve te ri cyn, and NOT ve tri cyn, is a topical agent comprised of one active ingredient, Hypochlorous Acid. It is a weak acid and is apparently soothing to the skin. The manufacturer claims that it is for the over the counter management of the skin. It is recommended for application on abrasions,burns, lacerations, minor irritations, and cuts. It is touted as a rather benign substance free of alcohol, steroids and antibiotics and comes in several physical forms including liquid and a gel which readily spray from the container. They do not define just what is meant by their use of the term management. Nor do they describe its mode of action. Some members of our forum, BYC report good outcomes by using it. Whatever its mode of action it is NOT an antibiotic. In fairness to the manufacturer I can say that I have used it in connection with a hen who had her back skin torn away by an over ardent junior high school cockerel. The skin was discovered hanging almost to the ground. After applying a series of tight 00 black surgical sutures to restore the skin to its original position Vetericyn was applied daily to the site along the suture lines. The bird was also given a daily broad spectrum oral antibiotic. This regimen was followed for a 2 week period at which time the sutures were expelled during the healing process. Vetericyn was applied for two additional days. There was no infection and the skin stayed in place. What role the Vetericyn played is hard to assess. At any rate, were another one of my animals met with a damaged skin as described on the bottle I would not hesitate to use the product again. As for Vetrimycin 100 it is a trade name for an injectable antibiotic with a long therapeutic history. As I understand it, it is a systemic antibiotic just like its precursor Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride which by the way comes in an oral form. However, it is my understanding that Vetrimycin is primarily an injectable. So these are definitely different therapeutic agents and unless a person has medical training and skills I highly recommend that one works in concert with his veterinarian. I have not used the proprietary Vetrimycin although I have years of experience working with the generic form Oxytetracyline Hydrochloride in both injectable and oral formulations. Again, I recommend working in concert with your vet. For the record, I am a well trained veterinary technician as well as a highly trained medical technician. I make no claims as a clinician nor do I prescribe courses of therapeutic action. I'm simply describing my impressions as a 76 year old retiree with extensive experience. You make of my opinions what you will; and for the umpteenth time I do recommend consulting your veterinarian with your significant findings.
I wish all of you and your charges, great health free from medical adventures, but we know that that is not likely a long term happening.
Stay well,
Neal, the Zooman

Great info!

Well had a minor/major issue in my bator today.

One of the candled iffy barred holland eggs went bad and I tried removing it from the bator but it was unfortunately was stuck to the turner and it sploded
so went immediately into clean and disinfect the bator. Eggs were out of the bator for no more than a half hour (man that smell just stays in your nose) but now Im having a hard time getting the humidity back down. Im on day 15 now and was planning on candling but with that mishap I figured id wait till tomorrow.

Ive learned my lesson that if day 10 the egg is dark like that get rid of it.

I also lost a cream legbar egg as I dropped and cracked it shuffling eggs around.


I have been lucky enough to not have any exploders yet and it definitely sounds like something I want to avoid! And to lose another egg due to it is adding insult to injury. I hope the rest of the eggs are not negatively affected. As for the humidity.....I have had issues with that right after cleaning. I think it is because there is moisture everywhere and on everything. It should stabilize when the surfaces dry but without taking everything out again and drying it I think you just have to wait. It does help to wipe the condensation off the inside of the windows though. How high is it getting?
Hi h2oratt and Audio51, and interested others,
A slight clarification if you will permit it. There is no such thing as the 3 syllable Vetricyn. The product has 4 syllables Vetericyn as in Ve - te - ri - cyn. I think this mispronunciation comes about as an offspring of the 6 syllable word veterinarian which is often mispronounced as a 5 syllable misnomer, vetrenarian. Okay, so I'm an old crazy word nut but at least I share my enthusiasms generously and without any rancor whatsoever. I just do not like seeing our beautiful American language degraded. Have fun!
Neal, the Zooman
I am sooo glad you mentioned that! It has always been a pet peeve of mine. I even hear Veterinarians mispronounce it! Sometimes I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from correcting them. It must be a Vet Tech thing....I was one for 10 years ending 1997. It reminds me of that old saying, "8 years ago I couldn't even pronounce I are one!"

Yes, there's a protrusion. I really, really didn't want to hear "prolapse"

I gave her the first bath today, and slathered the red bit with generic monistat 7 and plain triple antibiotic ointment. I was thinking I should've picked up some Preparation H, as well. It's not like she can get much more annoyed with adding one more ointment...

I'll try to remember to get a better photo, post-bathing and pre-slathering, if anyone thinks it'd be a good idea.
Ouch! I thin the Prep H would have been a good purchase. The tissue needs to be kept moist and should be gently replaced back into the cloaca. Sometimes you have to do it every few minutes. Some even require a couple of sutures at the outer edges to keep things in place, but the sooner you treat it the better chance of recovery.

I hope she recovers. If she does, she should be taken out of production for a while if you can. Reduce the protein in her diet and the amount of light she is getting to less than 12 hours.
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