California - Northern

Quote: Great news as far as the rest of the flock goes! So happy to hear it does not seem to be something contagious

Rancho Cordova here.
Welcome to thread!
Initial results are back already from Willow's post-mortem at UC Davis:

* Severe, diffuse, fibrinous peritonitis with visceral adhesions
* Severe, segmental fibrino-caseous salpingitis

6-2-2015: The most significant findings in this case are the visceral adhes2ions due to fibrinous exudate and segmental dilation of the oviduct; these findings are compatible with coelomitis/peritonitis and salpingitis, possibly complicated with a secondary bacterial infection. Histopathology to better characterize the described changes, as well as ancillary tests to determine any involved causative agents, confirm the given diagnosis and rule in/out other possible causes of disease are pending. Results to follow.

Sooooo...she has a problem with her oviduct (visceral adhesions) & this lead to peritonitis? Internal laying? Busted egg internally?
It does not sound infectious to the rest of the flock, correct?
So glad to hear that it isn't something contagious! It is my turn to have a awful bad no good chicken day. I went to the farm today to take out feed, collect Pita Pinta eggs, check on the flock, etc. When I went into Don Juan's pen to collect eggs, 1 of the hens (1 of my original flock) was dead in the nest box with her head hanging out.
She was showing no symptoms of sickness and I couldn't see any obvious problems by checking her over. I then checked the other 6 hens that are in that pen. 2 of them had enlarged, squishy abdomen. 1 was hunched down and obviously not feeling well. The other 1 had signs of prolapse. We have been getting some blood streaking on a few eggs so they might be from her. We culled both of them.
So now, I have 3 dead hens in a cooler with ice on my front porch. When something dies at the farm, they usually just bury it in the death hole. Because I happened to be there, I took them so I can send them in to Davis. But, I can only submit 2 per day, correct? Maybe I'll send the third one in a separate box with my friend's name on it. They were at her farm and we share the chickens so it should be okay.
So glad to hear that it isn't something contagious! It is my turn to have a awful bad no good chicken day. I went to the farm today to take out feed, collect Pita Pinta eggs, check on the flock, etc. When I went into Don Juan's pen to collect eggs, 1 of the hens (1 of my original flock) was dead in the nest box with her head hanging out.
She was showing no symptoms of sickness and I couldn't see any obvious problems by checking her over. I then checked the other 6 hens that are in that pen. 2 of them had enlarged, squishy abdomen. 1 was hunched down and obviously not feeling well. The other 1 had signs of prolapse. We have been getting some blood streaking on a few eggs so they might be from her. We culled both of them.
So now, I have 3 dead hens in a cooler with ice on my front porch. When something dies at the farm, they usually just bury it in the death hole. Because I happened to be there, I took them so I can send them in to Davis. But, I can only submit 2 per day, correct? Maybe I'll send the third one in a separate box with my friend's name on it. They were at her farm and we share the chickens so it should be okay.
So sorry really want to know what happened.
So glad to hear that it isn't something contagious! It is my turn to have a awful bad no good chicken day. I went to the farm today to take out feed, collect Pita Pinta eggs, check on the flock, etc. When I went into Don Juan's pen to collect eggs, 1 of the hens (1 of my original flock) was dead in the nest box with her head hanging out.
She was showing no symptoms of sickness and I couldn't see any obvious problems by checking her over. I then checked the other 6 hens that are in that pen. 2 of them had enlarged, squishy abdomen. 1 was hunched down and obviously not feeling well. The other 1 had signs of prolapse. We have been getting some blood streaking on a few eggs so they might be from her. We culled both of them.
So now, I have 3 dead hens in a cooler with ice on my front porch. When something dies at the farm, they usually just bury it in the death hole. Because I happened to be there, I took them so I can send them in to Davis. But, I can only submit 2 per day, correct? Maybe I'll send the third one in a separate box with my friend's name on it. They were at her farm and we share the chickens so it should be okay.

One of the original Pita Pinta hens that I hatched form Megan's flock, died a couple of weeks ago. I sold two of them to a UCD Professor(not Seeta) and one of them was dead one morning like yours. The hen was disposed of before I heard about it so not necropsy. They feed store told him to just toss her--What is up with places like that? A feed store in Davis does not seem to know about necropsy.

From the description he gave me, it sounded like internal laying.
So glad to hear that it isn't something contagious! It is my turn to have a awful bad no good chicken day. I went to the farm today to take out feed, collect Pita Pinta eggs, check on the flock, etc. When I went into Don Juan's pen to collect eggs, 1 of the hens (1 of my original flock) was dead in the nest box with her head hanging out.
She was showing no symptoms of sickness and I couldn't see any obvious problems by checking her over. I then checked the other 6 hens that are in that pen. 2 of them had enlarged, squishy abdomen. 1 was hunched down and obviously not feeling well. The other 1 had signs of prolapse. We have been getting some blood streaking on a few eggs so they might be from her. We culled both of them.
So now, I have 3 dead hens in a cooler with ice on my front porch. When something dies at the farm, they usually just bury it in the death hole. Because I happened to be there, I took them so I can send them in to Davis. But, I can only submit 2 per day, correct? Maybe I'll send the third one in a separate box with my friend's name on it. They were at her farm and we share the chickens so it should be okay.
So sorry. And frustrating to not know what's the matter.
I hope Davis can provide you with quick info.
So glad to hear that it isn't something contagious! It is my turn to have a awful bad no good chicken day. I went to the farm today to take out feed, collect Pita Pinta eggs, check on the flock, etc. When I went into Don Juan's pen to collect eggs, 1 of the hens (1 of my original flock) was dead in the nest box with her head hanging out.
She was showing no symptoms of sickness and I couldn't see any obvious problems by checking her over. I then checked the other 6 hens that are in that pen. 2 of them had enlarged, squishy abdomen. 1 was hunched down and obviously not feeling well. The other 1 had signs of prolapse. We have been getting some blood streaking on a few eggs so they might be from her. We culled both of them.
So now, I have 3 dead hens in a cooler with ice on my front porch. When something dies at the farm, they usually just bury it in the death hole. Because I happened to be there, I took them so I can send them in to Davis. But, I can only submit 2 per day, correct? Maybe I'll send the third one in a separate box with my friend's name on it. They were at her farm and we share the chickens so it should be okay.

One of the original Pita Pinta hens that I hatched form Megan's flock, died a couple of weeks ago. I sold two of them to a UCD Professor(not Seeta) and one of them was dead one morning like yours. The hen was disposed of before I heard about it so not necropsy. They feed store told him to just toss her--What is up with places like that? A feed store in Davis does not seem to know about necropsy.

From the description he gave me, it sounded like internal laying.

I'm really sorry to hear about both of these
- hopefully it's not a genetic thing
- Please share the necropsy results when they come in.

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