California - Northern

The price depends on the breed. Some are much less--closer normal for breeder stock.

The $100.00 chick was something like a Jubilee Orpington

Oh,I'll have to go back and look again... my memory tells me that most of them were that price... Ron, do you remember what you said my chickens could be?? It was something STAR..
One of the could be--I did not see the odd comb though.

They look like Hatchery Australorps, so an odd eye color could happen with them.

I bet they are very sweet!
i may go to my feed store and get some they only have gold and black sex link, i don't really want those breeds to much. and they are 1 week old, they also have st. run bantam.
One of the could be--I did not see the odd comb though.

They look like Hatchery Australorps, so an odd eye color could happen with them.

I bet they are very sweet!

I was having a very hard time getting a picture of them... they don't cooperate very well! lol
i may go to my feed store and get some they only have gold and black sex link, i don't really want those breeds to much. and they are 1 week old, they also have st. run bantam.

I have some chicks mostly 1-3 week olds. But they are going to be straight run, not all girls like you will get from a feed store.

I have a few marans, jubilees, and silkie/showgirls.dunno where you are but I'm in San jose

I've been thinking about the fire victims too. So sad :(

This up and down weather has been driving me batty!! I'm both hot and then its too cold to have my arms out of the blankets at night. I feel like they should not both be true on the same day!
Oh,I'll have to go back and look again... my memory tells me that most of them were that price... Ron, do you remember what you said my chickens could be?? It was something STAR..

it was the silver laced Orpingtons.... I guess they are considered special... so if I understand right, you get chickens from Papa's Poultry if your going to breed and hatch them? Is that right?
it was the silver laced Orpingtons.... I guess they are considered special... so if I understand right, you get chickens from Papa's Poultry if your going to breed and hatch them? Is that right?

A lot of people like rare and beautiful chickens even if they are not breeding. Eye candy!
that place is way expensive for me, i was thinking $5 a chick not 7-20, and my feed store has 1 week old chicks, should i go with thoes, or wait a week. in one week the feed store may be getting more chicks in, but i plan on giving to a broody hen who has been broody 3 times this year and has been on eggs for 20 days, what should i do?

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