California - Northern

I got my new incubator yesterday:) it's so quiet! My old Genesis was wearing out and vibrating so bad my hatch rates went down though it still held its temp perfectly.

I still have plenty of Silkie cockerels to go around. ;) Please pm me.
Hi Deann, I too rarely come on here anymore. I have cut so far back that all I kept was my BCMs, but Jules has a lot of things I used to have if I ever get the itch again....LOL. I am too decrepid to physically do all that is required to do it right so I busy myself with simple indoor projects mostly. Chickens are in my blood though so the interest is still there. The Modesto show was great & I got to see several chicken lovin' friends & had a great time. Some of us carried it over to my house after the show & got to visit even longer & have dinner together. I think the girls, Jules & Dyann, want to have the party here again if there's enough interest. It is always so much fun. So as the weather improves we can talk more about that.
I finally got back to see what everyone is up to =} I am all for another one of your get togethers had a great time last year =]been a busy bee.
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Right now I have a small flock I'm looking to expand it Iv started with coturnix I'm have a really hard time hatching bobwhites they are all shipped eggs
I am not in Sonora but....... What kind of quail. I have been toying with the idea of having quail again for the eggs for pickled & now Scottish eggs.
A couple years back I answered a Craigslist ad from a guy that lived in a town about an hour & 1/2 from me here in Turlock. I can't recall the name of the town at the moment. I remember we went through Oakdale & out 26 mile road. He had a quail farm out in the middle of no where. I bought quail for my son from him at that time.
I tried 5 different types of quail & had 4 of them shipped from back East. I didn't have good luck with any of them but the local Cotournix were easy to raise & fast growing, They hatched like popcorn. It was an exciting adventure. Definetely one to be done outside & away from the house. They smell bad, much worse than chicken poop. I raised hundreds of baby chicks in big brooders in my farmhouse front porch but I couldn't deal with the smell of the quail so they had to be moved outdoors.
Ya Iv been told out in copper theirs a farm and Iv found if I keep around 50 and use pine shavings the smell is not bad at all but I have to clean once a week and apple cider vinegar in the water helps a lot to a guy by me has 700 and he won't sell them lol you can't smell them because that method feed is a big part to the game bird feed was bad so I switched to turkey starter it helped a lot
Right now I have a small flock I'm looking to expand it Iv started with coturnix I'm have a really hard time hatching bobwhites they are all shipped eggs
I tried Bobwhite quail from shipped eggs. They hatched well but I didn't realize that they needed more space than I had for them. I thought that I could have 1 male and several female like chickens so I designed the pens accordingly. I kept them for a year and didn't get a single egg from them. They are adorable little birds but I at least wanted some eggs. I gave them away and now use the quail pens for chick grow out pens. It's a much better fit for me!
Ya I love the quail eggs that's what gets me with them I havnt tryed to pickle them but would love some ideas on how to do that
I used un medicated chick starter for mine. Maybe next time I'll try your way.
I use vinegar in the boiling water when boiling the eggs. It softens the shells & they peel off like soft rubber.
The pickling recipe varies a lot according to individuals taste. My main ingredients are red wine vinegar, pickled beet juice & lots of chopped or grated garlic cloves other than that you add whatever spices & herbs you have a taste for. I use dried onion powder, black pepper,a very little cayenne for taste. You can experiment. The quail eggs only take about 3 days to pickle & you can tel by cutting through one & see how far the purple has absorbed into the egg.

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