California - Northern

Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well. Question for @ronott1 or anyone else that might know, are necropsies at the Davis/CAHFS labs still free?


When I went to the workshop in Oakland they said they are free for a certain number, can't remember at what number they start to charge. Maybe they said it was free for the first 2 times in a year?
Necropsies @ UCD: Goats are $120. Worth every penny. The labs etc. on birds I've sent looked like $1500 worth of stuff. I was told poultry is best done at Tulare location, and will always be free as a public health service.
Necropsies @ UCD: Goats are $120. Worth every penny. The labs etc. on birds I've sent looked like $1500 worth of stuff. I was told poultry is best done at Tulare location, and will always be free as a public health service.
Yes, Employees at UCD do not make decisions about cost. The program is a grant from California Animal Health and Safety.

They would have to decide to charge for back yard flock necropsies.
Hi all, looks like my hens still have lice after multiple treatments with permethrin. Their feathers are increasingly frayed and tattered looking and they are constantly preening & dust bathing. I looked up the Spinosad and it looks like it is only meant to be used on the coop, not on the hens themselves. I am totally willing to give that a try but seems like that might not work on the lice that are on the hens.

I am going to try giving them a flea bath again also, but I was wondering if people have used ivermectin for lice and if that was effective?
Hi all, looks like my hens still have lice after multiple treatments with permethrin. Their feathers are increasingly frayed and tattered looking and they are constantly preening & dust bathing. I looked up the Spinosad and it looks like it is only meant to be used on the coop, not on the hens themselves. I am totally willing to give that a try but seems like that might not work on the lice that are on the hens.

I am going to try giving them a flea bath again also, but I was wondering if people have used ivermectin for lice and if that was effective?
look at the post above--It has instructions for using spinosad(elector) on chickens. Some have had great results with elector after lots of failure with other treatments.

elector has instructions for using it on label for poultry. As I recall, the concentrate can be used systemically(drops on the vent). That would be mostly for mites though.

ivermectin will only work on blood sucking pests. If the hens have feather shaft lice, it will not work since they do not feed on the blood.

Not even two weeks old and tired of the box brooder so this little Bronze Turklet jumped out of the box and went in the front room and got on the back of the couch and slid on his own under the covers and took a nep, so what is the difference between human and animals anyway

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