California - Northern

I know but the wet birds take all the mud and wet into the coop later.

Its funny they seem to be the most friendly to me when they are wet and muddy.
Mine come up to my back door with this pitiful expression on their faces like, "I'm all wet! Help me!" And I'm like, "Don't stand in the rain stupid chickens!" Haha.
Mine come up to my back door with this pitiful expression on their faces like, "I'm all wet! Help me!" And I'm like, "Don't stand in the rain stupid chickens!" Haha.
Mine are doing that too, oddly enough the little 7 week olds are staying dry and the 'grown ups' are getting soaked and complaining!

I'm new, and trying to figure out if I would like to have silkie chickens. I think that they are super cute, but I have never met one before. Does anyone around the Bay Area have silkies, and if so, could I meet them?

Hi, welcome to the site! I would be very happy to introduce you to my two perfectly fabulous silkie hens! i can't say enough about silkies, at least in my personal experience. the ONLY con is they do go broody a lot and one of mine will NOT give it up for anything! the other was easier to discourage. i let them hatch once each year tho..i am not heartless! i give them breakfast in bed when they are broody and they let their babies come to me and they never mind me picking them up. Themselves and their babies. I am on the russian river less than a mile from duncans mills and less than 10 minutes from jenner. it is a beautiful area and great fun to visit. Feel free to contact me via the site. I work weekends until about jan. 10 and off wed-fridays. i have 24 hens and 1 rooster who is a baby and will be rehomed with his hatch mates i hope, in the spring. i have a large assortment and a mix of banties and large fowl. you might get some other ideas besides the silkies!
Here is my 7 week old Chocolate EE I hatched from @h2oratt . We are calling her Junior, since her Dad (that I hatched) is also chocolate. I was told that, since the father is chocolate, any chocolate chicks will be female, so I guess she is a keeper!

She hatched out of a green egg, so hopefully she will lay green eggs also. She has a calm personality & fits in great with the rest of the flock.

Here is my 7 week old Chocolate EE I hatched from @h2oratt . We are calling her Junior, since her Dad (that I hatched) is also chocolate. I was told that, since the father is chocolate, any chocolate chicks will be female, so I guess she is a keeper!

She hatched out of a green egg, so hopefully she will lay green eggs also. She has a calm personality & fits in great with the rest of the flock.

Very Nice!

She will likely lay green eggs.

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