California - Northern

First time on for me for over a month. Combination of my computer going down, being our of the country and it seeming like the site didn't recognize me anymore. Kern
It is great to see you back!

BYC had to move to a new platform because the old one was retiring.
Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well. Haven't been on here in quite a while.
I need input on those with ducks.
Cayenne pepper keeps mice out of chicken feed. The chickens can't sense the heat from the peppers.
But is this true for ducks too?
Will the cayenne be hot for the ducks?
Hoping to keep mice out of their food as well
Since you asked and didnt specify who.
Well I have breeding flocks of Delaware and Pita Pinta
I also have an eclectic assortment of Buff Orps New Hampshires some EE's A Jersey "mini" Giant (hatchery bird) a Barred Holland and a Cream Legbar boy and girl who dont seem to mate with each other. I also have a couple of Buff Orp Pita Pinta Hybrids Im calling cocoa puffs as they come out chocolate brown as chicks. Im intentionally trying to hatch more of them this year to get a male to try to see what the offspring will look like.

Im growing out 3 new Welsummer pullets and some Lavender EE bantams

Anyone who wants hatching eggs for Pita Pinta or Delawares PM me (or possibly chicks)
Hi- just googled pita pinta- new one on me ! I'm looking for bantams- or favorelle

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