California - Northern

lawatt, they were thinking................

"Hey, where's mine!!!"

Just wait and see what happens if they had caught the mouse (or lizard or snake or anything else they can grab).

All these nest boxes are fantastic but I've never met a duck that lays in a box. The honey badger used just drop an egg while walking around and would look back kind of startled like she was being stalked by some egg laying ghost.

With the blackberry curd. Yum!
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Amy, my ducks are huge (Jumbo Pekins) but the ones that don't just drop eggs everywhere lay in an old plastic dog house. They can get in and turn around, and I can just lift the roof to get the eggs. My runner likes to make her own nest, and has claimed the whole chicken coop while she's broody. I can't clean the bedding out until she's done or she will eat me, I'm quite sure.
lawatt, they were thinking................

"Hey, where's mine!!!"

Just wait and see what happens if they had caught the mouse (or lizard or snake or anything else they can grab).


actually, there was a dead critter of some kind (a shrew, i'm guessing) sort of near the door to their coop, being devoured by wasps -- i think the wasps' movement drew the chicklets over, and then they were... puzzled. kept walking past it & looking at it sideways, considering -- one of the marans later ran up to it and then stopped short, staring intently & chirping loudly -- finally Lucy, the dainty Delaware, pecked at it a few times. but none of them ever really dug in, and then they were distracted by the visiting cats etc. will see if there's anything left of it tomorrow...

they are still deeply puzzled by carrots, too -- but LOVE kale, omigosh they love that, except i have to hold the leaves for them so they can get a good peck at the edges...

funny birds. funny me, too, apparently.
Haha! It does look kinda not right. There wasn't anyway to put it on and make it not look like a blood cot. Rofl. I am not even sure what the consistency is supposed to be honestly. It's spreadable and when we ate it- we spread it over our cake slice. I want to make pancakes to use up the rest! Mmm!

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Blackberry curd would be great on pancakes.

Think of curd as similar to lemon pie, only slighty looser and more spreadable, not quite so jelled.

I've been hooked lately on spiced pear butter on buttermilk pancakes. Yum!


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