
Thank you Ms BYBuddies,
Sounds as if you do take a personal and detailed interest in everything {lucky husband, children and all} I will check the details of my feed supply. About CA+--- As a nurse, I have learned that CA+ is very difficult to absorb from the GI tract and the very best for our bodies would be to keep a constant intake form foods that contain CA+ rather that the supplements that are sold. Only 1/4 of these are absorbed and only under the correct conditions....... So I try to feed my hens foods with highter CA+ instead of the products that are sold. Because I have seen litttle evidence that the birds that I have raised eat the CA+ in the oyster shell form, even though I have added it to thier feed. Just my unscientific observation except about human dietary intake and GI absorption. sigh
Hello Everyone, Fancybirds4u talked me into buying NEW CHICKS Porcelain and Lavender d'Uccles



Congrats on the new chicks! What cuties!

Thanks for sharing your observations and experience, flower. Other than things like yogurt, what other foods are you offering contain calcium? I give my girls that as well, especially when I've been making my own. It's one of their favorite treats.
I'm curious about your methods because my girls do eat the oyster shell that I provide for them in a 3" galvanized feeder in their run, separate of their food. They take it only when they need it, never while molting, so it seems that they know when their bodies are in need of supplementation. Since yours don't eat it, there must be something you're doing right with your feeding program.
Carlyle do chickens like corn cobs ? Have you tried them yet. I imagine that they like to peck on them just as they like to peck on most everything !

I found a rooster on craiglist. Yeah ! He is an 8 mo. old Ameraucana with pea comb and blue legs so I imagine that he carries the blue eggs gene. He arrived just at sunset and was asleep from the car ride. It will be interesting to see how my four hens react to his aggression. Since they squat for me i imagine tomorrow he and his four "brides" will do just fine except i imagine I will want to make saddles for my hens since I"d rather that they not go bald.

My baby d'uccles are content most of the time but are starting to get a little eager and are flying up and out of their brooder so I put a frame of hardware cloth on the top to keep them inside. Also instead of a red warmth grow light I am using a black
light left over form the kids (Halloween) and it seems to make them sleep more than the white light. I do not have a red one just now. Does anyone else here on the "low cal thread" have chicks in a brooder ?
I am a scientist, not a chicken. But I am very concerned about your use of a "black light". It might be harmful for them. In any case, I'm sure it doesn't do them any good. You should only use regular incadescent lights or carefully monitored "heat lamps".
Oh I did not know and I am not sure it is really a black light (as in the disco days) in that it really doesn't change their colors but just gives off heat and is not bright light like the usual light bulbs. Plase tell me about the possible bad effects. Please ?
Well I did a wiki on "black light" and changed back again to the regular light as you mentioned. Right now the six chicks are wrapped in a towel and sleeping on my chest as I alternately surf and watch movies. Thank you fro expressing your concern and I am glad that I posted my crazy idea here.
Basically 'sunburn' to skin and eyes. Black lights are similar to the lights in tanning beds. Normal BLs emit UV radiation but in small amounts. Children playing with them for halloween, museum exhibits, disco, etc. are limited and fleeting exposure. But just shining on somebody for extended periods of time could have a cumulative negative effect.
I wonder if their feathers would protect them ? Well it is to late, it has been less than 24 hours however they are quite tiny and the exposure has been catastrophic compared to their size. The first case of bantam melanoma on record ! What a dope I am !

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