Call Ducks Finally Hatched

Your ducklings are so cute! I am getting a few call ducks tomorrow and they will be 7 days old. I found a stuffed bunny just like yours that my daughter no longer uses. Hopefully my guys will enjoy it as much as yours do! I am very excited and nervous since these are my first ducklings. They should be good practice since I have a dozen chicks coming in 3 weeks.
Your ducklings are so cute! I am getting a few call ducks tomorrow and they will be 7 days old. I found a stuffed bunny just like yours that my daughter no longer uses. Hopefully my guys will enjoy it as much as yours do! I am very excited and nervous since these are my first ducklings. They should be good practice since I have a dozen chicks coming in 3 weeks.
Good luck, the time seems to take forever but the results are soooo great.....
Hi all,

My 3 call duck eggs are on day 24. One is moving a bit and the egg is rocking but the other 2 are still. I candled them yesterday just before I put them on lockdown. No chirping is being heard yet.
Today it's still the same. I was just wondering if the fact one egg is moving is normal for 3 days before hatch date? And if it is normal, should I be worrying about the 2 eggs doing nothing? This is my first ever hatch and want to do right by the little ducks but I tend to worry a lot. Is there anything I should do to help? Any help or advice would be gratefully welcomed and I promise to upload photos of ducklings you helped bring into the world. :D
Hi all,

My 3 call duck eggs are on day 24. One is moving a bit and the egg is rocking but the other 2 are still. I candled them yesterday just before I put them on lockdown. No chirping is being heard yet.
Today it's still the same. I was just wondering if the fact one egg is moving is normal for 3 days before hatch date? And if it is normal, should I be worrying about the 2 eggs doing nothing? This is my first ever hatch and want to do right by the little ducks but I tend to worry a lot. Is there anything I should do to help? Any help or advice would be gratefully welcomed and I promise to upload photos of ducklings you helped bring into the world.

Well, I can tell you from my own experience that hatching call ducks is HARD. They're so extremely delicate. Sometimes you need to help them hatch because their tiny bills just can't break the shell membrane. Other than that, just treat them good, keep the temp and humidity spot-on and cross your fingers...and then keep 'em crossed until the last one hatches. x_x;;
Well, I can tell you from my own experience that hatching call ducks is HARD. They're so extremely delicate. Sometimes you need to help them hatch because their tiny bills just can't break the shell membrane. Other than that, just treat them good, keep the temp and humidity spot-on and cross your fingers...and then keep 'em crossed until the last one hatches. x_x;;

Oh dear that's not really what I wanted to hear. I'll check them on the hour from now to watch them. Thanks for the advice. Very nervous now though.
If you've got a good fancy self-regulating incubator then I think you're fine. Mine was a homemade POS that I have to monitor CONSTANTLY. It's really draining and I really should have known better, that's all. :/ Why do the cutest ducks always have to be the hardest to hatch?
If you've got a good fancy self-regulating incubator then I think you're fine. Mine was a homemade POS that I have to monitor CONSTANTLY. It's really draining and I really should have known better, that's all. :/ Why do the cutest ducks always have to be the hardest to hatch?
amykins, so sorry about your hatch! i used a cheapo little giant still air, but i watched it constantly! this was my first hatch hubby and i hovered around that thing constantly faithfully turning and keeping the right temp and humidity.... then an internal pip.....and nothing.... lacrystol texted with me on how to save the little guys...if not for her and miss lydia i don't think i would've hatched but i have 8, and i still lost one that suffocated cuz i was peeling out a breach is hard, and i swore during the whole process that i would never do it hair is just starting to grow it is so worth it in the end, but it's tuff in the process....keep trying!

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