Call Ducks or Bantams...Crazy Animals Around the Farm

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I really hope she's bred, fingers crossed! The buck she was bred to is beautiful and has produced some really beautiful kids~!
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I've never heated my goats before and it's gotten as low as -28C with windchill here.
He is a very nice looking Buck too..:eek:
Oh I hope she has kids for you..:hugs...:fl
This afternoon I'm clipping my Ducks wings. That scared the heck out of me watching Fantasia fly over the tree tops and land next door..:eek:. Caspian was flying with her but landed back where he belongs..The one little girl yelled for us to look up and there they were high up in the air like wild Ducks..
Oh my goodness do you think they might fly away:oops:
Thank you~! I have lots of plans for their pen. there's an old dead tree in their pen that I cut down and left about 17 ft of the stump in the ground. I plan on turning that into a little tree house/platform for the goats to climb into. Not sure if i'll get that done or even started before winter though.. Focusing on the little things first~;)

You know how to run a chan saw that's cool:thumbsup
. I'm meeting less and less people that know how.
I'm terrible..I want two Goats now...:hit...:th
Just asked my Pal how much for two kids. :oops:
Goats are just as bad as chickens.. Once you get into them you can't stop adding :oops:
Goats are such playful animals .
They really are~ I love just sitting out with them and watching them prance around :love
You know how to run a chan saw that's cool:thumbsup
. I'm meeting less and less people that know how.
Really? huh, that's a shame. My dad taught me how to handle equipment like that, Taught me everything I know about build too, Really come in handy when you have animals~

why dose it matter if she's bred or not? Beautiful pictures btw..
I'd really like to start getting into making my own dairy products and stop buying milk for myself. And if she's already bred then i wont have to wait for my buck to mature and breed her. plus if she has any does they'd be completely unrelated to my buck so I wouldn't have to worry about inbreeding~
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